Distance from Nowrangapur to Nearby Cities

The distance from Nowrangapur to the nearest city Kotapad is 49.4 kilometers or 30.7 miles away. The nearest town Khariar is 150.6 kilometers or 93.6 miles away. 5 major cities are near Nowrangapur; Brahmapur being the closest is 372 kilometers or 231.1 miles away.

Nowrangapur Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Nowrangapur Distances
Nearby Location(s): 20
Nearest Location: 26.4 Km (16.4 Mi)

Nowrangapur to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Nowrangapur and nearby cities in India.

From Nowrangapur Population Distance
WSW to Kotapad15,47926.4 Km (16.4 Mi) 49.4 Km (30.7 Mi)
S to Jeypore80,83740.5 Km (25.1 Mi) 43.5 Km (27 Mi)
SSE to Koraput41,17048.7 Km (30.2 Mi) 57 Km (35.4 Mi)
WSW to Jagdalpur76,46559.7 Km (37.1 Mi) 86.7 Km (53.9 Mi)
NW to Umarkot27,54560.6 Km (37.7 Mi) 63.6 Km (39.5 Mi)

Nowrangapur to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Nowrangapur and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in India.

From Nowrangapur Population Distance
N to Khariar14,007120.2 Km (74.7 Mi) 150.6 Km (93.6 Mi)
SSW to Balimela12,008122.8 Km (76.3 Mi) 143.1 Km (88.9 Mi)
WSW to Geedam6,228124.5 Km (77.4 Mi) 156.2 Km (97 Mi)
E to Gudari6,895129.7 Km (80.6 Mi) 248 Km (154.1 Mi)
SSW to Chitrakonda7,260132.6 Km (82.4 Mi) 168.2 Km (104.5 Mi)
S to Madugula14,741148 Km (92 Mi) 212.7 Km (132.2 Mi)
NNW to Gariaband10,416165.1 Km (102.6 Mi) 208.5 Km (129.6 Mi)
NW to Narharpur6,500167.6 Km (104.1 Mi) 193 Km (119.9 Mi)
ESE to Ganguvada2,065174.9 Km (108.7 Mi) 278.4 Km (173 Mi)
SSE to Yarada3,406189.7 Km (117.9 Mi) 270.8 Km (168.3 Mi)

Nowrangapur to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Nowrangapur to major cities in Odisha.

From Nowrangapur Population Distance
E to Brahmapur324,726235.5 Km (146.3 Mi) 372 Km (231.1 Mi)
NNE to Sambalpur162,887290.5 Km (180.5 Mi) 352 Km (218.7 Mi)
E to Puri170,841349.8 Km (217.4 Mi) 552.6 Km (343.3 Mi)
ENE to Bhubaneshwar762,243362.5 Km (225.3 Mi) 528.5 Km (328.4 Mi)
ENE to Cuttack580,000374.6 Km (232.7 Mi) 553.1 Km (343.7 Mi)