Distance from Nkongsamba to Nearby Cities

The distance from Nkongsamba to the nearest city Melong is 18.8 kilometers or 11.7 miles away. The nearest town Bana is 62.6 kilometers or 38.9 miles away. 3 major cities are near Nkongsamba; Mbanga being the closest is 76.6 kilometers or 47.6 miles away.

Nkongsamba is also 232.5 kilometers or 144.5 miles from Ikom in Nigeria.

Nkongsamba Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Nkongsamba Distances
Nearby Location(s): 15
Nearest Location: 16.6 Km (10.3 Mi)

Nkongsamba to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Nkongsamba and nearby cities in Cameroon.

From Nkongsamba Population Distance
N to Melong37,08616.6 Km (10.3 Mi) 18.8 Km (11.7 Mi)
SW to Manjo37,66119.1 Km (11.9 Mi) 23.4 Km (14.5 Mi)
NE to Bafang80,68834.7 Km (21.6 Mi) 50.8 Km (31.6 Mi)
SW to Loum177,42936.7 Km (22.8 Mi) 43.8 Km (27.2 Mi)
SW to Penja28,40646.4 Km (28.9 Mi) 53.1 Km (33 Mi)

Nkongsamba to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Nkongsamba and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Cameroon.

From Nkongsamba Population Distance
ENE to Bana5,72742 Km (26.1 Mi) 62.6 Km (38.9 Mi)
S to Yabassi7,56053.3 Km (33.1 Mi) 88.6 Km (55 Mi)
E to Bazou13,05859.9 Km (37.2 Mi) 107.8 Km (67 Mi)
NE to Bamendjou6,64364.3 Km (39.9 Mi) 99.7 Km (61.9 Mi)
NE to Bansoa7,56068.7 Km (42.7 Mi) 104.3 Km (64.8 Mi)

Nkongsamba to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Nkongsamba to major cities in Littoral.

From Nkongsamba Population Distance
SW to Mbanga42,59067.6 Km (42 Mi) 76.6 Km (47.6 Mi)
S to Douala1,338,082104.3 Km (64.8 Mi) 147.7 Km (91.7 Mi)
S to Edea203,149133 Km (82.6 Mi) 191.9 Km (119.3 Mi)
Nkongsamba to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Nkongsamba to major cities in bordering Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria.

From Nkongsamba Population Distance
NW to Ikom Nigeria79,103173.6 Km (107.9 Mi) 232.5 Km (144.5 Mi)
SW to Malabo Equatorial Guinea155,963190.2 Km (118.2 Mi)