Distance from Newcastle upon Tyne to Nearby Cities

The distance from Newcastle upon Tyne center to the nearest city Whickham is 4.8 miles or 7.8 kilometers away. The nearest town Benwell is 3.7 miles or 6 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Newcastle upon Tyne; Leeds being the closest is 109 miles or 175.4 kilometers away.

Newcastle upon Tyne Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Newcastle upon Tyne Distances
Nearby Location(s): 15
Nearest Location: 1.8 Mi (2.9 Km)

Newcastle upon Tyne to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Newcastle upon Tyne and nearby cities in the United Kingdom.

From Newcastle upon Tyne Population Distance
SW to Whickham16,6253.3 Mi (5.2 Km) 4.8 Mi (7.8 Km)
ENE to Wallsend42,7393.6 Mi (5.8 Km) 4.8 Mi (7.7 Km)
W to Newburn41,3475 Mi (8 Km) 6.2 Mi (10 Km)
E to Jarrow27,2645.4 Mi (8.6 Km) 8.8 Mi (14.2 Km)
SE to Washington53,5266.9 Mi (11 Km) 9.5 Mi (15.3 Km)

Newcastle upon Tyne to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Newcastle upon Tyne and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United Kingdom.

From Newcastle upon Tyne Population Distance
W to Benwell6,5001.8 Mi (2.9 Km) 3.7 Mi (6 Km)
WSW to Blaydon14,9744.2 Mi (6.7 Km) 6.5 Mi (10.4 Km)
S to Lamesley3,9284.3 Mi (7 Km) 5.5 Mi (8.9 Km)
N to Hazlerigg1,0534.4 Mi (7.1 Km) 7.1 Mi (11.5 Km)
NE to Backworth1,5335.6 Mi (9 Km) 7.9 Mi (12.7 Km)

Newcastle upon Tyne to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Newcastle upon Tyne to major cities in England.

From Newcastle upon Tyne Population Distance
S to Leeds455,12382.3 Mi (132.5 Km) 109 Mi (175.4 Km)
S to Sheffield447,047110.5 Mi (177.9 Km) 134.7 Mi (216.8 Km)
SSW to Liverpool468,945121.9 Mi (196.2 Km) 179.1 Mi (288.2 Km)
S to Birmingham984,333172.6 Mi (277.8 Km) 210.4 Mi (338.6 Km)
SSE to London7,556,900247.7 Mi (398.6 Km) 289.1 Mi (465.2 Km)