Distance from Navahrudak to Nearby Cities

The distance from Navahrudak to the nearest city Lida is 52.1 kilometers or 32.4 miles away. The nearest town Karelichy is 23.5 kilometers or 14.6 miles away. 3 major cities are near Navahrudak; Vawkavysk being the closest is 122.6 kilometers or 76.2 miles away.

Navahrudak is also 147.7 kilometers or 91.8 miles from Vilkpėdė in Lithuania.

Navahrudak Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Navahrudak Distances
Nearby Location(s): 15
Nearest Location: 21.2 Km (13.2 Mi)

Navahrudak to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Navahrudak and nearby cities in Belarus.

From Navahrudak Population Distance
NW to Lida98,03646.9 Km (29.2 Mi) 52.1 Km (32.4 Mi)
SSE to Baranovichi168,77253.9 Km (33.5 Mi) 62.4 Km (38.8 Mi)
E to Stowbtsy15,50062.1 Km (38.6 Mi) 70.2 Km (43.6 Mi)
SSW to Slonim51,43466.3 Km (41.2 Mi) 84.1 Km (52.3 Mi)
E to Dzyarzhynsk24,60986.8 Km (53.9 Mi) 107.9 Km (67 Mi)

Navahrudak to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Navahrudak and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Belarus.

From Navahrudak Population Distance
E to Karelichy7,80021.2 Km (13.2 Mi) 23.5 Km (14.6 Mi)
WSW to Dzyatlava8,30031.3 Km (19.4 Mi) 35.4 Km (22 Mi)
N to Iŭje9,68437.3 Km (23.2 Mi) 40.8 Km (25.4 Mi)
SE to Snoŭ2,60057 Km (35.4 Mi) 82.1 Km (51 Mi)
SSE to Lyakhavichy11,50068.5 Km (42.6 Mi) 80.7 Km (50.1 Mi)

Navahrudak to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Navahrudak to major cities in Grodno Region.

From Navahrudak Population Distance
WSW to Vawkavysk47,300104.3 Km (64.8 Mi) 122.6 Km (76.2 Mi)
NNE to Smarhoń36,900104.7 Km (65 Mi) 140.3 Km (87.2 Mi)
W to Grodno317,365132.9 Km (82.6 Mi) 153.6 Km (95.5 Mi)
Navahrudak to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Navahrudak to major cities in bordering Lithuania and Poland.

From Navahrudak Population Distance
NNW to Vilkpėdė Lithuania21,346123.9 Km (77 Mi) 147.7 Km (91.8 Mi)
W to Sokolka Poland19,079155 Km (96.3 Mi) 186.6 Km (115.9 Mi)