Distance from Nashville, TN to Nearby Cities

The distance from Nashville to the nearest city Brentwood is 10.5 miles or 17 kilometers away. The nearest town Oak Hill is 7.5 miles or 12.1 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Nashville; Murfreesboro being the closest is 34.4 miles or 55.4 kilometers away.

Nashville is also near the Alabama state border; Birmingham in Alabama is 191.9 miles or 308.8 kilometers away.

Nashville Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Nashville Distances
Nearby Location(s): 23
Nearest Location: 5.2 Mi (8.4 Km)

Nashville to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Nashville and nearby cities in the United States.

From Nashville, TN Population Distance
S to Brentwood, TN37,0609 Mi (14.4 Km) 10.5 Mi (17 Km)
NNE to Goodlettsville, TN15,92111.7 Mi (18.9 Km) 14.8 Mi (23.8 Km)
NE to Hendersonville, TN51,37213.3 Mi (21.4 Km) 18.8 Mi (30.3 Km)
E to Mount Juliet, TN23,67114.9 Mi (24 Km) 19.2 Mi (31 Km)
SE to La Vergne, TN32,58815.1 Mi (24.3 Km) 20.2 Mi (32.4 Km)

Nashville to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Nashville and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Nashville, TN Population Distance
S to Oak Hill, TN4,5295.2 Mi (8.3 Km) 7.5 Mi (12.1 Km)
SW to Belle Meade, TN2,9126.2 Mi (10 Km) 8.9 Mi (14.3 Km)
SSW to Forest Hills, TN4,8127.4 Mi (11.9 Km) 10.7 Mi (17.2 Km)
NE to Lakewood, TN2,3029.9 Mi (15.9 Km) 16.3 Mi (26.3 Km)
ENE to Green Hill, TN6,61812.4 Mi (20 Km) 18.2 Mi (29.3 Km)

Nashville to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Nashville to major cities in Tennessee.

From Nashville, TN Population Distance
SE to Murfreesboro, TN108,75531 Mi (49.8 Km) 34.4 Mi (55.4 Km)
NW to Clarksville, TN132,92941 Mi (65.9 Km) 48.8 Mi (78.6 Km)
SE to Chattanooga, TN167,674113.1 Mi (182.1 Km) 133.1 Mi (214.1 Km)
E to Knoxville, TN178,874160.4 Mi (258.2 Km) 180.1 Mi (289.9 Km)
WSW to Memphis, TN646,889196.4 Mi (316 Km) 212 Mi (341.2 Km)
Nashville to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Nashville to major cities in Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi and North Carolina.

From Nashville, TN Population Distance
S to Birmingham, AL212,237182.6 Mi (293.9 Km) 191.9 Mi (308.8 Km)
SE to Atlanta, GA420,003214.9 Mi (345.9 Km) 133.1 Mi (214.1 Km)
NE to Ironville, KY288,649275 Mi (442.6 Km) 331.9 Mi (534.1 Km)
WSW to Little Rock, AR193,524325.1 Mi (523.2 Km) 348.6 Mi (561.1 Km)
SW to Jackson, MS173,514330.3 Mi (531.5 Km) 415 Mi (667.9 Km)
ESE to Charlotte, NC731,424331.2 Mi (533.1 Km) 409.5 Mi (659 Km)
WNW to Kansas City, MO459,787472.3 Mi (760.2 Km) 555.1 Mi (893.3 Km)
E to Richmond, VA204,214525.3 Mi (845.4 Km) 614.2 Mi (988.4 Km)