Mumbai Summary:
- The coordinates for Mumbai are 19.075984 72.8776559.
- The Asia/Kolkata timezone is observed in Mumbai.
- The elevation for Mumbai is 5.46 Meters (17.9 Feet).
Mumbai Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 15 |
Nearest Location: | 5.6 Km (3.5 Mi) |
Mumbai to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Mumbai and nearby cities in India.
From Mumbai | Population | Distance | |
NNE to Powai | 20,000 | 5.7 Km (3.5 Mi) | 14.9 Km (9.2 Mi) |
NE to Airoli | 100,000 | 15.2 Km (9.4 Mi) | 19.7 Km (12.3 Mi) |
ESE to Navi Mumbai | 2,600,000 | 16.7 Km (10.4 Mi) | 21.3 Km (13.2 Mi) |
NNW to Borivali | 609,617 | 18.3 Km (11.4 Mi) | 26.8 Km (16.6 Mi) |
NNE to Thane West | 1,261,517 | 20.1 Km (12.5 Mi) | 25.2 Km (15.7 Mi) |
Mumbai to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Mumbai and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in India.
From Mumbai | Population | Distance | |
ESE to Artist Village | 6,000 | 18 Km (11.2 Mi) | 24 Km (14.9 Mi) |
ESE to Kalundre | 8,101 | 28.2 Km (17.5 Mi) | 37.6 Km (23.4 Mi) |
ESE to Matheran | 5,287 | 42.5 Km (26.4 Mi) | 83 Km (51.6 Mi) |
S to Revdanda | 10,416 | 57.8 Km (35.9 Mi) | 105.2 Km (65.4 Mi) |
NE to Shahapur | 10,965 | 63.5 Km (39.5 Mi) | 72.8 Km (45.2 Mi) |
Mumbai to Major Cities
The list below shows the distance from Mumbai to major cities in Maharashtra.
From Mumbai | Population | Distance | |
NE to Kalyan | 1,262,255 | 32.3 Km (20 Mi) | 42.1 Km (26.2 Mi) |
ESE to Pimpri-Chinchwad | 1,284,606 | 109 Km (67.7 Mi) | 134.1 Km (83.4 Mi) |
ESE to Pune | 2,935,744 | 120.2 Km (74.7 Mi) | 148.4 Km (92.2 Mi) |
NE to Nashik | 1,289,497 | 140.2 Km (87.1 Mi) | 167.3 Km (103.9 Mi) |
ENE to Nagpur | 2,228,018 | 688.2 Km (427.6 Mi) | 830.3 Km (515.9 Mi) |