Distance from Mogilev to Nearby Cities

The distance from Mogilev to the nearest city Bychaŭ is 49.7 kilometers or 30.9 miles away. The nearest town Miažysietki is 19.5 kilometers or 12.1 miles away. 2 major cities are near Mogilev; Babruysk being the closest is 117.4 kilometers or 72.9 miles away.

Mogilev is also 202.3 kilometers or 125.7 miles from Smolensk in Russia.

Mogilev Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Mogilev Distances
Nearby Location(s): 13
Nearest Location: 17.4 Km (10.8 Mi)

Mogilev to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Mogilev and nearby cities in Belarus.

From Mogilev Population Distance
S to Bychaŭ17,50043 Km (26.7 Mi) 49.7 Km (30.9 Mi)
NE to Horki33,89760.4 Km (37.5 Mi) 85.1 Km (52.9 Mi)
N to Orsha125,34767.7 Km (42 Mi) 79.9 Km (49.6 Mi)
S to Rahachow34,70091.9 Km (57.1 Mi) 107.3 Km (66.6 Mi)
ESE to Kryčaŭ27,68193.5 Km (58.1 Mi) 112.4 Km (69.9 Mi)

Mogilev to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Mogilev and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Belarus.

From Mogilev Population Distance
SW to Miažysietki1,80717.4 Km (10.8 Mi) 19.5 Km (12.1 Mi)
N to Shklov13,48535.6 Km (22.1 Mi) 37.9 Km (23.5 Mi)
WNW to Byalynichy District9,60037.7 Km (23.4 Mi) 69.6 Km (43.3 Mi)
ESE to Chavusy11,31342.3 Km (26.3 Mi) 45.9 Km (28.5 Mi)
ENE to Drybin2,90055.9 Km (34.7 Mi) 66.5 Km (41.3 Mi)

Mogilev to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Mogilev to major cities in Mogilev Province.

From Mogilev Population Distance
SW to Babruysk220,517111.6 Km (69.4 Mi) 117.4 Km (72.9 Mi)
WSW to Asipovichy34,591130.1 Km (80.8 Mi) 158.9 Km (98.7 Mi)
Mogilev to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Mogilev to Russia.

From Mogilev Population Distance
NE to Smolensk Russia320,991149 Km (92.6 Mi) 202.3 Km (125.7 Mi)