Distance from Mayahi to Nearby Cities

The distance from Mayahi to the nearest city Tessaoua is 44.1 kilometers or 27.4 miles away. The nearest town Aguié is 58.2 kilometers or 36.2 miles away. The nearest major city Dakoro is 145.3 kilometers or 90.3 miles away.

Mayahi is also 129.9 kilometers or 80.7 miles from Katsina in Nigeria.

Mayahi Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Mayahi Distances
Nearby Location(s): 8
Nearest Location: 40.4 Km (25.1 Mi)

Mayahi to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Mayahi and nearby cities in Niger.

From Mayahi Population Distance
ESE to Tessaoua35,77540.3 Km (25.1 Mi) 44.1 Km (27.4 Mi)
SW to Maradi163,48779.1 Km (49.1 Mi) 94.8 Km (58.9 Mi)
WSW to Tibiri20,01979.1 Km (49.1 Mi) 100 Km (62.1 Mi)

Mayahi to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Mayahi and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Niger.

From Mayahi Population Distance
SSE to Aguié13,15251.2 Km (31.8 Mi) 58.2 Km (36.2 Mi)
SW to Madarounfa9,79190.4 Km (56.2 Mi) 119.1 Km (74 Mi)
ESE to Kantche?98.6 Km (61.3 Mi) 120.4 Km (74.8 Mi)

Mayahi to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Mayahi to major cities in Maradi.

From Mayahi Population Distance
WNW to Dakoro19,798115.7 Km (71.9 Mi) 145.3 Km (90.3 Mi)
Mayahi to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Mayahi to Nigeria.

From Mayahi Population Distance
S to Katsina Nigeria432,149107.9 Km (67 Mi) 129.9 Km (80.7 Mi)