Distance from Manhattan, KS to Nearby Cities

The distance from Manhattan to the nearest city Junction City is 19.5 miles or 31.4 kilometers away. The nearest town Ogden is 10.2 miles or 16.5 kilometers away. 4 major cities are near Manhattan; Lawrence being the closest is 84.6 miles or 136.1 kilometers away.

Manhattan is also near the Missouri state border; Kansas City in Missouri is 121.5 miles or 195.5 kilometers away.

Manhattan Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Manhattan Distances
Nearby Location(s): 17
Nearest Location: 8.8 Mi (14.2 Km)

Manhattan to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Manhattan and nearby cities in the United States.

From Manhattan, KS Population Distance
SW to Junction City, KS23,35317.6 Mi (28.3 Km) 19.5 Mi (31.4 Km)
E to Topeka, KS127,47348.1 Mi (77.5 Km) 56.9 Mi (91.6 Km)
SSE to Emporia, KS24,91657.8 Mi (93.1 Km) 73.2 Mi (117.9 Km)
WSW to Salina, KS47,70760.7 Mi (97.6 Km) 66.6 Mi (107.2 Km)

Manhattan to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Manhattan and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Manhattan, KS Population Distance
SW to Ogden, KS2,0878.8 Mi (14.1 Km) 10.2 Mi (16.5 Km)
E to Wamego, KS4,37214.3 Mi (23.1 Km) 15.6 Mi (25.1 Km)
SW to Grandview Plaza, KS1,56015.8 Mi (25.4 Km) 17.1 Mi (27.6 Km)
NNE to Westmoreland, KS77816.8 Mi (27.1 Km) 22.1 Mi (35.5 Km)
SE to Alma, KS83219 Mi (30.6 Km) 27.1 Mi (43.6 Km)

Manhattan to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Manhattan to major cities in Kansas.

From Manhattan, KS Population Distance
E to Lawrence, KS87,64373.2 Mi (117.8 Km) 84.6 Mi (136.1 Km)
ESE to Olathe, KS125,87296.4 Mi (155.1 Km) 119.4 Mi (192.1 Km)
E to Overland Park, KS173,372102.9 Mi (165.6 Km) 122.9 Mi (197.8 Km)
SSW to Wichita, KS382,368111.3 Mi (179.1 Km) 130.6 Mi (210.2 Km)
Manhattan to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Manhattan to major cities in Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Colorado.

From Manhattan, KS Population Distance
E to Kansas City, MO459,787107 Mi (172.2 Km) 121.5 Mi (195.5 Km)
N to Omaha, NE408,958146.1 Mi (235.2 Km) 169.2 Mi (272.3 Km)
S to Oklahoma City, OK579,999262 Mi (421.7 Km) 292 Mi (469.9 Km)
W to Denver, CO600,158450.7 Mi (725.3 Km) 496.1 Mi (798.4 Km)