Distance from Managua to Nearby Cities

The distance from Managua to the nearest city Ciudad Sandino is 18.5 kilometers or 11.5 miles away. The nearest town Ticuantepe is 12.4 kilometers or 7.7 miles away. 2 major cities are near Managua; Tipitapa being the closest is 32.7 kilometers or 20.3 miles away.

Managua is also 256.6 kilometers or 159.5 miles from Choluteca in Honduras.

Managua Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Managua Distances
Nearby Location(s): 14
Nearest Location: 10.9 Km (6.8 Mi)

Managua to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Managua and nearby cities in Nicaragua.

From Managua Population Distance
WNW to Ciudad Sandino70,01313.5 Km (8.4 Mi) 18.5 Km (11.5 Mi)
SSW to El Crucero16,46917 Km (10.6 Mi) 27.7 Km (17.2 Mi)
SE to Masaya130,11322.7 Km (14.1 Mi) 25.8 Km (16 Mi)
S to San Marcos23,34723.5 Km (14.6 Mi) 30.5 Km (18.9 Mi)
SSE to Masatepe21,45224 Km (14.9 Mi) 31.6 Km (19.6 Mi)

Managua to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Managua and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Nicaragua.

From Managua Population Distance
SSE to Ticuantepe13,20910.9 Km (6.8 Mi) 12.4 Km (7.7 Mi)
SE to Nindirí7,07317.7 Km (11 Mi) 21.3 Km (13.2 Mi)
SSE to La Concepción6,94620.1 Km (12.5 Mi) 24.7 Km (15.4 Mi)
E to Tisma5,18223.8 Km (14.8 Mi) 33.4 Km (20.7 Mi)
SSE to Nandasmo6,93424.8 Km (15.4 Mi) 32.9 Km (20.4 Mi)

Managua to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Managua to major cities in Managua.

From Managua Population Distance
NE to Tipitapa127,15326.5 Km (16.5 Mi) 32.7 Km (20.3 Mi)
SW to San Rafael del Sur29,83636.9 Km (22.9 Mi) 50.2 Km (31.2 Mi)
Managua to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Managua to major cities in bordering Costa Rica and Honduras.

From Managua Population Distance
NW to Choluteca Honduras75,872167.5 Km (104.1 Mi) 256.6 Km (159.5 Mi)
SSE to Liberia Costa Rica45,380186.1 Km (115.6 Mi) 213.2 Km (132.4 Mi)