Distance from Malakal to Other Cities

The distance from Malakal to the nearest town Bentiu is 1314.2 kilometers or 816.6 miles away. 5 major cities are near Malakal; Wau being the closest is 1591.5 kilometers or 988.9 miles away.

Malakal Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Malakal Distances
Nearby Location(s): 7
Nearest Location: 207.6 Km (129 Mi)

Malakal to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Malakal and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in South Sudan.

From Malakal Population Distance
W to Bentiu7,653207.6 Km (129 Mi) 1314.2 Km (816.6 Mi)
SW to Leer10,486215.6 Km (133.9 Mi) 1439.8 Km (894.7 Mi)

Malakal to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Malakal to major cities in Upper Nile.

From Malakal Population Distance
WSW to Wau127,384452.9 Km (281.4 Mi) 1591.5 Km (988.9 Mi)
S to Juba300,000519.4 Km (322.7 Mi) 2234.9 Km (1388.7 Mi)
S to Yei40,382614.1 Km (381.6 Mi) 2306.9 Km (1433.5 Mi)
S to Pajok49,000635.2 Km (394.7 Mi) 2420.6 Km (1504.1 Mi)
SSW to Yambio40,382658.3 Km (409 Mi) 2046.8 Km (1271.8 Mi)