Distance from Maastricht to Nearby Cities

The distance from Maastricht to the nearest city 6231 Meerssen is 6.9 kilometers or 4.3 miles away. The nearest town Heer is 5.5 kilometers or 3.4 miles away. 4 major cities are near Maastricht; 6121 Born being the closest is 27.3 kilometers or 17 miles away.

Maastricht is also 5.6 kilometers or 3.5 miles from Lanaken in Belgium.

Maastricht Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Maastricht Distances
Nearby Location(s): 16
Nearest Location: 3.1 Km (1.9 Mi)

Maastricht to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Maastricht and nearby cities in Netherlands.

From Maastricht Population Distance
NE to 6231 Meerssen19,9335.7 Km (3.6 Mi) 6.9 Km (4.3 Mi)
NE to 6191 Beek17,14412.2 Km (7.6 Mi) 15.2 Km (9.4 Mi)
ENE to 6361 Nuth15,74815.6 Km (9.7 Mi) 18.7 Km (11.6 Mi)
ENE to Hoensbroek25,00018.1 Km (11.2 Mi) 28.1 Km (17.5 Mi)
ENE to Heerlen93,08420.7 Km (12.8 Mi) 32.3 Km (20.1 Mi)

Maastricht to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Maastricht and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Netherlands.

From Maastricht Population Distance
ESE to Heer10,0003.1 Km (1.9 Mi) 5.5 Km (3.4 Mi)
ENE to 6301 Houthem1,4707.7 Km (4.8 Mi) 9.8 Km (6.1 Mi)
S to 6245 Eijsden11,7958.3 Km (5.2 Mi) 13.3 Km (8.2 Mi)
ENE to 6301 Broekhem1,9609.2 Km (5.7 Mi) 11.5 Km (7.1 Mi)
E to 6301 Sibbe1,0809.6 Km (6 Mi) 12.5 Km (7.7 Mi)

Maastricht to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Maastricht to major cities in Limburg.

From Maastricht Population Distance
NNE to 6121 Born97,16922 Km (13.7 Mi) 27.3 Km (17 Mi)
E to Kerkrade49,77726.7 Km (16.6 Mi) 32.6 Km (20.3 Mi)
N to Weert48,66243.7 Km (27.2 Mi) 59 Km (36.7 Mi)
NNE to Venlo92,40366.8 Km (41.5 Mi) 75.9 Km (47.2 Mi)
Maastricht to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Maastricht to major cities in bordering Belgium and Germany.

From Maastricht Population Distance
NNW to Lanaken Belgium24,7715.1 Km (3.2 Mi) 5.6 Km (3.5 Mi)
E to Herzogenrath Germany47,38128.1 Km (17.5 Mi) 35.7 Km (22.2 Mi)