Luninets is also 185.1 kilometers or 115 miles from Sarny in Ukraine.
Luninets Summary:
- The coordinates for Luninets are 52.251394 26.8066432.
- The Europe/Minsk timezone is observed in Luninets.
- The elevation for Luninets is 136 Meters (446.18 Feet).
Luninets Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 13 |
Nearest Location: | 35.2 Km (21.9 Mi) |
Luninets to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Luninets and nearby cities in Belarus.
From Luninets | Population | Distance | |
WSW to Pinsk | 130,777 | 51.6 Km (32.1 Mi) | 69.2 Km (43 Mi) |
NE to Salihorsk | 101,614 | 77.6 Km (48.2 Mi) | 112.4 Km (69.9 Mi) |
NNE to Slutsk | 62,228 | 99.4 Km (61.7 Mi) | 136.8 Km (85 Mi) |
Luninets to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Luninets and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Belarus.
From Luninets | Population | Distance | |
SE to Davyd-Haradok | 7,694 | 35.3 Km (21.9 Mi) | 144.1 Km (89.6 Mi) |
S to Stolin | 10,491 | 40.6 Km (25.2 Mi) | 120.5 Km (74.9 Mi) |
E to Mikashevichy | 14,000 | 45.7 Km (28.4 Mi) | 51.2 Km (31.8 Mi) |
NNW to Hantsavichy | ? | 62.5 Km (38.8 Mi) | 67.7 Km (42 Mi) |
ESE to Turaŭ | 3,100 | 67 Km (41.6 Mi) | 105 Km (65.2 Mi) |
Luninets to Major Cities
The list below shows the distance from Luninets to major cities in Brest Region.
From Luninets | Population | Distance | |
NNW to Baranovichi | 168,772 | 111.1 Km (69 Mi) | 129.4 Km (80.4 Mi) |
WNW to Byaroza | 29,645 | 128.1 Km (79.6 Mi) | 169.6 Km (105.4 Mi) |
W to Kobryn | 50,691 | 166.8 Km (103.7 Mi) | 185.3 Km (115.1 Mi) |
W to Brest | 300,715 | 210.3 Km (130.7 Mi) | 233.9 Km (145.4 Mi) |
Luninets to Major Cities in Bordering Countries
The list below shows the distance from Luninets to Ukraine.