Lida is also 99.7 kilometers or 61.9 miles from Vilkpėdė in Lithuania.
Lida Summary:
- The coordinates for Lida are 53.883689 25.299537.
- The Europe/Minsk timezone is observed in Lida.
- The elevation for Lida is 143.19 Meters (469.78 Feet).
Lida Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 14 |
Nearest Location: | 29.6 Km (18.4 Mi) |
Lida to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Lida and nearby cities in Belarus.
From Lida | Population | Distance | |
SE to Navahrudak | 30,748 | 46.9 Km (29.2 Mi) | 52.4 Km (32.6 Mi) |
SW to Masty | 16,102 | 72.5 Km (45 Mi) | 84.4 Km (52.5 Mi) |
S to Slonim | 51,434 | 88.6 Km (55 Mi) | 101.8 Km (63.3 Mi) |
SSE to Baranovichi | 168,772 | 96.5 Km (60 Mi) | 114.6 Km (71.2 Mi) |
NE to Smarhoń | 36,900 | 97.2 Km (60.4 Mi) | 141.6 Km (88 Mi) |
Lida to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Lida and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Belarus.
From Lida | Population | Distance | |
N to Voranava | 6,500 | 29.6 Km (18.4 Mi) | 33.2 Km (20.6 Mi) |
E to Iŭje | 9,684 | 31.8 Km (19.7 Mi) | 42.1 Km (26.2 Mi) |
S to Dzyatlava | 8,300 | 47.1 Km (29.3 Mi) | 53.1 Km (33 Mi) |
ESE to Karelichy | 7,800 | 65.6 Km (40.8 Mi) | 74.9 Km (46.6 Mi) |
NE to Ashmyany | 14,345 | 73 Km (45.4 Mi) | 106.5 Km (66.2 Mi) |
Lida to Major Cities
The list below shows the distance from Lida to major cities in Grodno Region.
From Lida | Population | Distance | |
SW to Vawkavysk | 47,300 | 99.2 Km (61.7 Mi) | 116.9 Km (72.7 Mi) |
WSW to Grodno | 317,365 | 100.6 Km (62.5 Mi) | 114.2 Km (71 Mi) |
Lida to Major Cities in Bordering Countries
The list below shows the distance from Lida to major cities in bordering Lithuania and Poland.