Las Cruces is also near the Arizona state border; Phoenix in Arizona is 388.9 miles or 625.9 kilometers away. Las Cruces is also 56.8 miles or 91.5 kilometers from Ciudad Juarez in Mexico.
Las Cruces Summary:
- The coordinates for Las Cruces are 32.31994 -106.7636538.
- The America/Denver timezone is observed in Las Cruces.
- The elevation for Las Cruces is 3996.04 Feet (1217.99 Meters).
Las Cruces Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 20 |
Nearest Location: | 2.6 Mi (4.2 Km) |
Las Cruces to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Las Cruces and nearby cities in the United States.
From Las Cruces, NM | Population | Distance | |
SSE to El Paso, TX | 649,121 | 41.9 Mi (67.5 Km) | 48.9 Mi (78.7 Km) |
SSE to Socorro, TX | 32,013 | 53.3 Mi (85.8 Km) | 62.6 Mi (100.7 Km) |
SE to Horizon City, TX | 16,735 | 54.2 Mi (87.3 Km) | 66 Mi (106.2 Km) |
NE to Alamogordo, NM | 30,403 | 61.6 Mi (99.1 Km) | 67.6 Mi (108.8 Km) |
Las Cruces to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Las Cruces and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.
From Las Cruces, NM | Population | Distance | |
SSE to University Park, NM | 4,192 | 2.6 Mi (4.2 Km) | 3.3 Mi (5.2 Km) |
NW to San Ysidro, NM | 2,090 | 3.5 Mi (5.6 Km) | 4.3 Mi (6.9 Km) |
SSW to Mesilla, NM | 2,196 | 4.1 Mi (6.6 Km) | 5.2 Mi (8.4 Km) |
NNW to Doña Ana, NM | 1,211 | 5.9 Mi (9.5 Km) | 7.6 Mi (12.2 Km) |
SSE to Mesquite, NM | 1,112 | 11.4 Mi (18.4 Km) | 15.5 Mi (25 Km) |
Las Cruces to Major Cities
The list below shows the distance from Las Cruces to major cities in New Mexico.
From Las Cruces, NM | Population | Distance | |
ENE to Roswell, NM | 48,366 | 149.8 Mi (241 Km) | 184.5 Mi (296.9 Km) |
N to Albuquerque, NM | 545,852 | 193.1 Mi (310.7 Km) | 224.5 Mi (361.3 Km) |
N to Rio Rancho, NM | 87,521 | 201.4 Mi (324.1 Km) | 238.3 Mi (383.5 Km) |
N to Santa Fe, NM | 67,947 | 237.5 Mi (382.2 Km) | 285.3 Mi (459.2 Km) |
NNW to Farmington, NM | 45,877 | 315.7 Mi (508.1 Km) | 403.5 Mi (649.3 Km) |
Las Cruces to Major Cities in Neighboring States
The list below shows the distance from Las Cruces to major cities in Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Arizona and Colorado.
From Las Cruces, NM | Population | Distance | |
WNW to Phoenix, AZ | 1,445,632 | 317.9 Mi (511.6 Km) | 388.9 Mi (625.9 Km) |
N to Denver, CO | 600,158 | 522.2 Mi (840.4 Km) | 615.7 Mi (990.9 Km) |
ENE to Oklahoma City, OK | 579,999 | 573.1 Mi (922.3 Km) | 672 Mi (1081.5 Km) |
NNW to Salt Lake City, UT | 186,440 | 648.8 Mi (1044.2 Km) | 819.9 Mi (1319.5 Km) |
ESE to Houston, TX | 2,099,451 | 697.1 Mi (1121.9 Km) | 792.2 Mi (1274.9 Km) |
Las Cruces to Major Cities in Bordering Countries
The list below shows the distance from Las Cruces to Mexico.