Distance from Lancaster, PA to Nearby Cities

The distance from Lancaster to the nearest city Lebanon is 26.2 miles or 42.1 kilometers away. The nearest town Millersville is 4.7 miles or 7.6 kilometers away. 4 major cities are near Lancaster; Allentown being the closest is 68.2 miles or 109.8 kilometers away.

Lancaster is also near the Delaware state border; Wilmington in Delaware is 65.9 miles or 106 kilometers away.

Lancaster Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Lancaster Distances
Nearby Location(s): 20
Nearest Location: 3.8 Mi (6.1 Km)

Lancaster to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Lancaster and nearby cities in the United States.

From Lancaster, PA Population Distance
NNW to Lebanon, PA25,47721.7 Mi (34.9 Km) 26.2 Mi (42.1 Km)
WSW to York, PA43,71823 Mi (36.9 Km) 27.3 Mi (44 Km)
NE to Reading, PA88,08228.7 Mi (46.2 Km) 34.8 Mi (56 Km)
S to Bel Air North, MD30,56833.6 Mi (54 Km) 42.4 Mi (68.3 Km)
WNW to Harrisburg, PA49,52834.7 Mi (55.9 Km) 43.6 Mi (70.2 Km)

Lancaster to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Lancaster and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Lancaster, PA Population Distance
SW to Millersville, PA8,1683.8 Mi (6.1 Km) 4.7 Mi (7.6 Km)
SSE to Willow Street, PA7,5784.3 Mi (7 Km) 5 Mi (8 Km)
SE to Lampeter, PA1,6694.8 Mi (7.7 Km) 6.9 Mi (11.1 Km)
SSW to Conestoga, PA1,2586.6 Mi (10.6 Km) 7.4 Mi (11.9 Km)
W to Mountville, PA2,8026.6 Mi (10.7 Km) 7.3 Mi (11.7 Km)

Lancaster to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Lancaster to major cities in Pennsylvania.

From Lancaster, PA Population Distance
NE to Allentown, PA118,03258.3 Mi (93.8 Km) 68.2 Mi (109.8 Km)
E to Philadelphia, PA1,526,00660.7 Mi (97.6 Km) 79.4 Mi (127.7 Km)
W to Pittsburgh, PA305,704196.7 Mi (316.5 Km) 238.9 Mi (384.4 Km)
NW to Erie, PA101,786244.2 Mi (393 Km) 337.7 Mi (543.5 Km)
Lancaster to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Lancaster to major cities in West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Ohio.

From Lancaster, PA Population Distance
ESE to Wilmington, DE70,85145.6 Mi (73.3 Km) 65.9 Mi (106 Km)
SSW to Baltimore, MD620,96154.2 Mi (87.2 Km) 78.9 Mi (127 Km)
ENE to Newark, NJ277,140122.2 Mi (196.7 Km) 154.9 Mi (249.4 Km)
ENE to New York, NY8,175,133129.7 Mi (208.8 Km) 163.2 Mi (262.7 Km)
WSW to Charleston, WV51,400308.2 Mi (496 Km) 395.1 Mi (635.8 Km)
W to Columbus, OH787,033354.3 Mi (570.2 Km) 402.6 Mi (648 Km)