Distance from Khanpur to Nearby Cities

The distance from Khanpur to the nearest city Sādiqābād is 344.6 kilometers or 214.1 miles away. The nearest town Adilpur is 249.9 kilometers or 155.3 miles away. 5 major cities are near Khanpur; Multan being the closest is 594.7 kilometers or 369.5 miles away.

Khanpur is also 27.1 kilometers or 16.8 miles from Jaisalmer in India.

Khanpur Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Khanpur Distances
Nearby Location(s): 21
Nearest Location: 82.9 Km (51.5 Mi)

Khanpur to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Khanpur and nearby cities in Pakistan.

From Khanpur Population Distance
NNW to Sādiqābād189,876281.2 Km (174.7 Mi) 344.6 Km (214.1 Mi)
N to Kot Samaba22,953323.4 Km (201 Mi) 394.3 Km (245 Mi)
N to Zāhir Pīr34,121343.1 Km (213.2 Mi) 407.5 Km (253.2 Mi)
N to Rājanpur50,682348.6 Km (216.6 Mi) 389.5 Km (242 Mi)
NNE to Ahmedpur East116,579423.4 Km (263.1 Mi) 493.4 Km (306.6 Mi)

Khanpur to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Khanpur and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Pakistan.

From Khanpur Population Distance
NW to Adilpur8,247191.6 Km (119.1 Mi) 249.9 Km (155.3 Mi)
SW to Tāndo Mitha Khān2,723187 Km (116.2 Mi) 227.6 Km (141.4 Mi)
NNW to Rojhan13,031291.1 Km (180.9 Mi) 330.5 Km (205.4 Mi)
W to Bozdar9,17595.4 Km (59.3 Mi) 158.6 Km (98.5 Mi)
WNW to Chak14,275147.8 Km (91.9 Mi) 184.9 Km (114.9 Mi)
WNW to Bāgarji8,005134.2 Km (83.4 Mi) 173.5 Km (107.8 Mi)
SW to Pithoro6,440235.7 Km (146.5 Mi) 301 Km (187 Mi)
W to Kandiari6,86182.9 Km (51.5 Mi) 130.6 Km (81.2 Mi)
WSW to Khadro9,997138.9 Km (86.3 Mi) 167.6 Km (104.1 Mi)
WNW to Lakhi13,600137.3 Km (85.3 Mi) 167.2 Km (103.9 Mi)

Khanpur to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Khanpur to major cities in Punjab.

From Khanpur Population Distance
NNE to Multan1,437,230512.5 Km (318.4 Mi) 594.7 Km (369.5 Mi)
SW to Karachi11,624,219247.3 Km (153.6 Mi) 363.7 Km (226 Mi)
NNE to Faisalabad2,506,595717.6 Km (445.9 Mi) 843.4 Km (524 Mi)
NE to Lahore6,310,888821.2 Km (510.3 Mi) 944.6 Km (587 Mi)
NNE to Rawalpindi1,743,101895.8 Km (556.6 Mi) 1078.6 Km (670.2 Mi)
Khanpur to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Khanpur to India.

From Khanpur Population Distance
ESE to Jaisalmer India67,604319 Km (198.2 Mi)