Distance from Khan Shaykhun to Nearby Cities

The distance from Khan Shaykhun to the nearest city Kafr Zita is 10.2 kilometers or 6.3 miles away. The nearest town Morek is 13.6 kilometers or 8.5 miles away. 5 major cities are near Khan Shaykhun; Hamah being the closest is 40.1 kilometers or 24.9 miles away.

Khan Shaykhun is also 120.6 kilometers or 74.9 miles from Reyhanlı in Turkey.

Khan Shaykhun Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Khan Shaykhun Distances
Nearby Location(s): 17
Nearest Location: 8.5 Km (5.3 Mi)

Khan Shaykhun to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Khan Shaykhun and nearby cities in Syria.

From Khan Shaykhun Population Distance
SSW to Kafr Zita21,8458.5 Km (5.3 Mi) 10.2 Km (6.3 Mi)
SSE to Suran30,71619.2 Km (11.9 Mi) 24.5 Km (15.2 Mi)
S to Halfaya23,40320.2 Km (12.5 Mi) 35.7 Km (22.2 Mi)
SSE to Tayyibat al Imam29,25920.3 Km (12.6 Mi) 25.6 Km (15.9 Mi)
NNW to Kafr Nabl24,75420.7 Km (12.9 Mi) 33.4 Km (20.7 Mi)

Khan Shaykhun to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Khan Shaykhun and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Syria.

From Khan Shaykhun Population Distance
SSE to Morek14,3078.9 Km (5.6 Mi) 13.6 Km (8.5 Mi)
SSW to Muhradah?22.5 Km (14 Mi) 40.6 Km (25.2 Mi)
SW to Tremseh6,92723 Km (14.3 Mi) 45.6 Km (28.3 Mi)
N to Ma`arat al-Nu`man?23.2 Km (14.4 Mi) 27.7 Km (17.2 Mi)
ENE to Sinjar?36.5 Km (22.7 Mi) 41 Km (25.5 Mi)

Khan Shaykhun to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Khan Shaykhun to major cities in Idlib Governorate.

From Khan Shaykhun Population Distance
SSE to Hamah460,60235.1 Km (21.8 Mi) 40.1 Km (24.9 Mi)
W to Latakia340,18177.9 Km (48.4 Mi) 113.5 Km (70.6 Mi)
S to Homs‎775,40478.8 Km (49 Mi) 87.8 Km (54.6 Mi)
NNE to Aleppo1,602,26496.9 Km (60.2 Mi) 106 Km (65.9 Mi)
S to Damascus1,569,394216.9 Km (134.8 Mi) 258.1 Km (160.4 Mi)
Khan Shaykhun to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Khan Shaykhun to major cities in bordering Lebanon and Turkey.

From Khan Shaykhun Population Distance
N to Reyhanlı Turkey56,99592.3 Km (57.4 Mi) 120.6 Km (74.9 Mi)
SSW to Tripoli Lebanon229,398134.1 Km (83.3 Mi)