Distance from Kaluga to Nearby Cities

The distance from Kaluga to the nearest city Kondrovo is 47.7 kilometers or 29.6 miles away. The nearest town Mstikhino is 16 kilometers or 9.9 miles away. 3 major cities are near Kaluga; Balabanovo being the closest is 74.1 kilometers or 46.1 miles away.

Kaluga Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Kaluga Distances
Nearby Location(s): 13
Nearest Location: 10.3 Km (6.4 Mi)

Kaluga to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Kaluga and nearby cities in Russia.

From Kaluga Population Distance
NW to Kondrovo17,15136.4 Km (22.6 Mi) 47.7 Km (29.6 Mi)
E to Aleksin66,88546.5 Km (28.9 Mi) 99.1 Km (61.6 Mi)
SSE to Suvorov21,05949.2 Km (30.6 Mi) 61.8 Km (38.4 Mi)
NNE to Maloyaroslavets32,66952 Km (32.3 Mi) 62.7 Km (39 Mi)
NNE to Obninsk107,39266 Km (41 Mi) 81 Km (50.3 Mi)

Kaluga to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Kaluga and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Russia.

From Kaluga Population Distance
W to Mstikhino2,50010.3 Km (6.4 Mi) 16 Km (9.9 Mi)
WSW to Vorotynsk10,97718 Km (11.2 Mi) 27 Km (16.8 Mi)
W to Kurovskoye3,64818.1 Km (11.2 Mi) 27 Km (16.7 Mi)
NW to Pyatovskiy2,98621.1 Km (13.1 Mi) 33.7 Km (20.9 Mi)
NW to Zhiletovo2,99823.2 Km (14.4 Mi) 33.2 Km (20.7 Mi)

Kaluga to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Kaluga to major cities in Kaluga Oblast.

From Kaluga Population Distance
NNE to Balabanovo24,23274.1 Km (46.1 Mi)
WSW to Kirov39,319138.6 Km (86.1 Mi) 176 Km (109.4 Mi)
WSW to Lyudinovo41,392141.4 Km (87.8 Mi) 167.3 Km (103.9 Mi)