Distance from Jeffersonville, IN to Nearby Cities

The distance from Jeffersonville to the nearest city Clarksville is 2.3 miles or 3.7 kilometers away. The nearest town Oak Park is 4 miles or 6.5 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Jeffersonville; Bloomington being the closest is 102.6 miles or 165.2 kilometers away.

Jeffersonville is also near the Kentucky state border; Ironville in Kentucky is 189.6 miles or 305.1 kilometers away.

Jeffersonville Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Jeffersonville Distances
Nearby Location(s): 19
Nearest Location: 1.8 Mi (2.9 Km)

Jeffersonville to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Jeffersonville and nearby cities in the United States.

From Jeffersonville, IN Population Distance
NW to Clarksville, IN21,7241.8 Mi (2.9 Km) 2.3 Mi (3.7 Km)
SSW to Louisville, KY243,6392.1 Mi (3.3 Km) 2.7 Mi (4.3 Km)
W to New Albany, IN36,3724.7 Mi (7.6 Km) 6.1 Mi (9.8 Km)
ESE to Saint Matthews, KY17,4726 Mi (9.6 Km) 10 Mi (16.1 Km)
SW to Shively, KY15,2647.1 Mi (11.4 Km) 15.4 Mi (24.9 Km)

Jeffersonville to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Jeffersonville and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Jeffersonville, IN Population Distance
NE to Oak Park, IN5,2092.9 Mi (4.7 Km) 4 Mi (6.5 Km)
E to Indian Hills, KY2,8684.1 Mi (6.5 Km) 8.4 Mi (13.6 Km)
E to Indian Hills Cherokee Section, KY1,0114.7 Mi (7.6 Km) 10.8 Mi (17.4 Km)
S to Audubon Park, KY1,4735.1 Mi (8.3 Km) 7.4 Mi (12 Km)
E to Northfield, KY1,0205.3 Mi (8.5 Km) 10.8 Mi (17.4 Km)

Jeffersonville to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Jeffersonville to major cities in Indiana.

From Jeffersonville, IN Population Distance
NW to Bloomington, IN80,40574.7 Mi (120.2 Km) 102.6 Mi (165.2 Km)
WSW to Evansville, IN117,429101.9 Mi (164 Km) 124.3 Mi (200.1 Km)
N to Fort Wayne, IN253,691196.2 Mi (315.8 Km) 232.5 Mi (374.2 Km)
N to South Bend, IN101,168236.5 Mi (380.6 Km) 254 Mi (408.8 Km)
NNW to Hammond, IN80,830246.8 Mi (397.2 Km) 271 Mi (436.2 Km)
Jeffersonville to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Jeffersonville to major cities in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Illinois.

From Jeffersonville, IN Population Distance
E to Ironville, KY288,649165.4 Mi (266.3 Km) 189.6 Mi (305.1 Km)
NE to Columbus, OH787,033187.3 Mi (301.5 Km) 207.3 Mi (333.6 Km)
NNW to Chicago, IL2,695,598268.2 Mi (431.6 Km) 293.8 Mi (472.9 Km)
NNE to Detroit, MI713,777314 Mi (505.3 Km) 362.6 Mi (583.5 Km)