Iquique Summary:
- The coordinates for Iquique are -20.230703 -70.1356692.
- The America/Santiago timezone is observed in Iquique.
- The elevation for Iquique is 30.01 Meters (98.46 Feet).
Iquique Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 9 |
Nearest Location: | 196 Km (121.8 Mi) |
Iquique to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Iquique and nearby cities in Chile.
From Iquique | Population | Distance | |
N to Arica | 185,999 | 196 Km (121.8 Mi) | 311.4 Km (193.5 Mi) |
S to Tocopilla | 24,460 | 206.4 Km (128.3 Mi) | 228.3 Km (141.8 Mi) |
SSE to Calama | 143,084 | 277.1 Km (172.2 Mi) | 388 Km (241.1 Mi) |
Iquique to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Iquique and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Chile.
Iquique to Major Cities
The list below shows the distance from Iquique to major cities in Tarapacá Region.
From Iquique | Population | Distance | |
S to Antofagasta | 309,832 | 381.4 Km (237 Mi) | 416.3 Km (258.7 Mi) |
S to Viña del Mar | 294,551 | 1428.9 Km (887.9 Mi) | 1711.2 Km (1063.3 Mi) |
S to Valparaíso | 282,448 | 1433 Km (890.4 Mi) | 1725.6 Km (1072.2 Mi) |
S to Santiago | 4,837,295 | 1473.3 Km (915.5 Mi) | 1761 Km (1094.2 Mi) |
S to Estadio Municipal | 510,417 | 1488.3 Km (924.8 Mi) | 1784.2 Km (1108.7 Mi) |