Distance from Hilversum to Nearby Cities

The distance from Hilversum to the nearest city Bussum is 5.9 kilometers or 3.7 miles away. The nearest town 1231 Nieuw-Loosdrecht is 5.4 kilometers or 3.3 miles away. 5 major cities are near Hilversum; Utrecht being the closest is 20 kilometers or 12.4 miles away.

Hilversum is also 115.3 kilometers or 71.6 miles from Kleve in Germany.

Hilversum Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Hilversum Distances
Nearby Location(s): 17
Nearest Location: 3.7 Km (2.3 Mi)

Hilversum to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Hilversum and nearby cities in Netherlands.

From Hilversum Population Distance
N to Bussum31,3345 Km (3.1 Mi) 5.9 Km (3.7 Mi)
N to Naarden17,1157.4 Km (4.6 Mi) 8.9 Km (5.5 Mi)
ESE to Baarn24,5848.3 Km (5.2 Mi) 11.5 Km (7.1 Mi)
NNE to Huizen45,2929.4 Km (5.8 Mi) 12.6 Km (7.8 Mi)
ESE to Soest45,02110.8 Km (6.7 Mi) 12.7 Km (7.9 Mi)

Hilversum to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Hilversum and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Netherlands.

From Hilversum Population Distance
SSW to 1231 Nieuw-Loosdrecht5,9703.7 Km (2.3 Mi) 5.4 Km (3.3 Mi)
NE to Laren11,5085 Km (3.1 Mi) 5.6 Km (3.5 Mi)
W to 1241 Kortenhoef6,2505.1 Km (3.2 Mi) 6.2 Km (3.9 Mi)
WSW to 1231 Oud-Loosdrecht1,7206.2 Km (3.9 Mi) 7.8 Km (4.9 Mi)
NE to 1261 Blaricum9,2067.3 Km (4.6 Mi) 8.2 Km (5.1 Mi)

Hilversum to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Hilversum to major cities in Noord-Holland.

From Hilversum Population Distance
S to Utrecht290,52915.7 Km (9.8 Mi) 20 Km (12.4 Mi)
NW to Amsterdam741,63624.2 Km (15.1 Mi) 35.5 Km (22.1 Mi)
SW to Rotterdam598,19958 Km (36.1 Mi) 77.8 Km (48.4 Mi)
WSW to The Hague474,29261.7 Km (38.3 Mi) 85 Km (52.8 Mi)
SSE to Eindhoven209,62090 Km (55.9 Mi) 105.9 Km (65.8 Mi)
Hilversum to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Hilversum to major cities in bordering Belgium and Germany.

From Hilversum Population Distance
SE to Kleve Germany49,07282.3 Km (51.1 Mi) 115.3 Km (71.6 Mi)
SSW to Hoogstraten Belgium18,52496.1 Km (59.7 Mi) 109.7 Km (68.2 Mi)