Distance from Harbin to Nearby Cities

The distance from Harbin center to the nearest city Hulan is 14.8 kilometers or 9.2 miles away. The nearest town Yong Yuan Cun is 44.9 kilometers or 27.9 miles away. 4 major cities are near Harbin; Jiamusi being the closest is 381.7 kilometers or 237.2 miles away.

Harbin Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Harbin Distances
Nearby Location(s): 14
Nearest Location: 10.3 Km (6.4 Mi)

Harbin to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Harbin and nearby cities in China.

From Harbin Population Distance
NNE to Hulan109,10410.3 Km (6.4 Mi) 14.8 Km (9.2 Mi)
SE to Acheng144,66543.4 Km (27 Mi) 48.8 Km (30.3 Mi)
SSW to Shuangcheng130,71049.9 Km (31 Mi) 64.1 Km (39.8 Mi)
WNW to Zhaodong154,40652.2 Km (32.4 Mi) 61.7 Km (38.3 Mi)
NNW to Lanxi72,52853.4 Km (33.2 Mi) 65.3 Km (40.6 Mi)

Harbin to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Harbin and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in China.

From Harbin Population Distance
E to Yong Yuan Cun?37.3 Km (23.1 Mi) 44.9 Km (27.9 Mi)
NNW to Yulin?38.4 Km (23.8 Mi) 46.7 Km (29 Mi)
ENE to Tangfangzhen?42.4 Km (26.3 Mi) 63.6 Km (39.5 Mi)
NNW to Kangrongxiang?48.8 Km (30.3 Mi) 59.2 Km (36.8 Mi)
E to Feiketu River?54.9 Km (34.1 Mi) 79.3 Km (49.2 Mi)

Harbin to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Harbin to major cities in Heilongjiang.

From Harbin Population Distance
ENE to Jiamusi549,549311.1 Km (193.3 Mi) 381.7 Km (237.2 Mi)
ENE to Hegang743,307335.1 Km (208.2 Mi) 448.5 Km (278.7 Mi)
E to Tai He Lu345,033336 Km (208.8 Mi) 419.8 Km (260.8 Mi)
ENE to Shuangyashan600,000367.9 Km (228.6 Mi) 457.8 Km (284.5 Mi)