Grants Pass is also near the Washington state border; Seattle in Washington is 417.8 miles or 672.4 kilometers away.
Grants Pass Summary:
- The coordinates for Grants Pass are 42.439007 -123.3283925.
- The America/Los_Angeles timezone is observed in Grants Pass.
- The elevation for Grants Pass is 943.35 Feet (287.53 Meters).
Grants Pass Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 18 |
Nearest Location: | 2 Mi (3.2 Km) |
Grants Pass to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Grants Pass and nearby cities in the United States.
From Grants Pass, OR | Population | Distance | |
E to Central Point, OR | 17,169 | 21.5 Mi (34.6 Km) | 25.2 Mi (40.5 Km) |
ESE to Medford, OR | 74,907 | 24.4 Mi (39.2 Km) | 29.5 Mi (47.5 Km) |
ESE to Ashland, OR | 20,078 | 35.9 Mi (57.7 Km) | 41.8 Mi (67.3 Km) |
N to Roseburg, OR | 21,181 | 53.7 Mi (86.5 Km) | 69 Mi (111 Km) |
Grants Pass to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Grants Pass and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.
From Grants Pass, OR | Population | Distance | |
SE to Fruitdale, OR | 1,177 | 2 Mi (3.2 Km) | 2.7 Mi (4.3 Km) |
WSW to Redwood, OR | 2,627 | 3.2 Mi (5.2 Km) | 3.9 Mi (6.3 Km) |
SSW to New Hope, OR | 1,515 | 5.6 Mi (9.1 Km) | 6 Mi (9.6 Km) |
NW to Merlin, OR | 1,615 | 7.2 Mi (11.6 Km) | 8.9 Mi (14.3 Km) |
E to Rogue River, OR | 2,131 | 8 Mi (12.8 Km) | 9.4 Mi (15.2 Km) |
Grants Pass to Major Cities
The list below shows the distance from Grants Pass to major cities in Oregon.
From Grants Pass, OR | Population | Distance | |
N to Eugene, OR | 156,185 | 112.1 Mi (180.5 Km) | 138.4 Mi (222.7 Km) |
N to Salem, OR | 154,637 | 173.7 Mi (279.5 Km) | 201.4 Mi (324.1 Km) |
N to Beaverton, OR | 89,803 | 212.3 Mi (341.6 Km) | 242 Mi (389.5 Km) |
N to Hillsboro, OR | 91,611 | 213.8 Mi (344.1 Km) | 258.7 Mi (416.3 Km) |
N to Gresham, OR | 105,594 | 216.2 Mi (348 Km) | 257.4 Mi (414.2 Km) |
Grants Pass to Major Cities in Neighboring States
The list below shows the distance from Grants Pass to major cities in Washington, California, Idaho and Nevada.
From Grants Pass, OR | Population | Distance | |
N to Seattle, WA | 608,660 | 360.4 Mi (580 Km) | 417.8 Mi (672.4 Km) |
ENE to Boise, ID | 145,987 | 368.4 Mi (592.9 Km) | 502.5 Mi (808.6 Km) |
SE to Las Vegas, NV | 583,756 | 615.5 Mi (990.5 Km) | 778.7 Mi (1253.2 Km) |
SSE to Los Angeles, CA | 3,792,621 | 641.7 Mi (1032.7 Km) | 720.5 Mi (1159.5 Km) |