Distance from Gary, IN to Nearby Cities

The distance from Gary to the nearest city Griffith is 9.8 miles or 15.7 kilometers away. The nearest town New Chicago is 5 miles or 8 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Gary; Hammond being the closest is 11.1 miles or 17.8 kilometers away.

Gary is also near the Illinois state border; Chicago in Illinois is 30.1 miles or 48.4 kilometers away.

Gary Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Gary Distances
Nearby Location(s): 19
Nearest Location: 4.4 Mi (7.1 Km)

Gary to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Gary and nearby cities in the United States.

From Gary, IN Population Distance
SW to Griffith, IN16,8936 Mi (9.7 Km) 9.8 Mi (15.7 Km)
WSW to Highland, IN23,7276.1 Mi (9.8 Km) 8.8 Mi (14.1 Km)
SE to Hobart, IN29,0596.3 Mi (10.2 Km) 7.8 Mi (12.6 Km)
WNW to East Chicago, IN29,6986.4 Mi (10.4 Km) 7.4 Mi (11.9 Km)
S to Merrillville, IN35,2467.7 Mi (12.3 Km) 8.2 Mi (13.3 Km)

Gary to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Gary and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Gary, IN Population Distance
ESE to New Chicago, IN2,0354.4 Mi (7.1 Km) 5 Mi (8 Km)
ESE to Lake Station, IN12,5725.7 Mi (9.2 Km) 6.3 Mi (10.1 Km)
ENE to Ogden Dunes, IN1,1108.3 Mi (13.3 Km) 9.7 Mi (15.5 Km)
NW to Whiting, IN4,9979.7 Mi (15.6 Km) 14.8 Mi (23.8 Km)
ENE to Burns Harbor, IN1,15611.2 Mi (18.1 Km) 14.4 Mi (23.2 Km)

Gary to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Gary to major cities in Indiana.

From Gary, IN Population Distance
W to Hammond, IN80,8308 Mi (12.8 Km) 11.1 Mi (17.8 Km)
E to South Bend, IN101,16856.8 Mi (91.4 Km) 66.6 Mi (107.1 Km)
ESE to Fort Wayne, IN253,691119.9 Mi (193 Km) 133.8 Mi (215.4 Km)
SSE to Bloomington, IN80,405173.3 Mi (278.9 Km) 200.5 Mi (322.7 Km)
S to Evansville, IN117,429250.6 Mi (403.3 Km) 275.5 Mi (443.3 Km)
Gary to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Gary to major cities in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Illinois.

From Gary, IN Population Distance
NW to Chicago, IL2,695,59824.5 Mi (39.4 Km) 30.1 Mi (48.4 Km)
ENE to Detroit, MI713,777226.8 Mi (365 Km) 253.6 Mi (408.1 Km)
ESE to Columbus, OH787,033253.9 Mi (408.6 Km) 324.7 Mi (522.5 Km)
SE to Ironville, KY288,649328 Mi (527.9 Km) 403.4 Mi (649.2 Km)