Distance from Gallup, NM to Nearby Cities

The distance from Gallup to the nearest city Farmington is 111.2 miles or 178.9 kilometers away. The nearest town Church Rock is 9.5 miles or 15.3 kilometers away. 2 major cities are near Gallup; Las Cruces being the closest is 338 miles or 543.9 kilometers away.

Gallup is also near the Arizona state border; Phoenix in Arizona is 281 miles or 452.3 kilometers away.

Gallup Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Gallup Distances
Nearby Location(s): 21
Nearest Location: 8 Mi (12.9 Km)

Gallup to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Gallup and nearby cities in the United States.

From Gallup, NM Population Distance
NNE to Farmington, NM45,87787.9 Mi (141.5 Km) 111.2 Mi (178.9 Km)
E to Rio Rancho, NM87,521118.9 Mi (191.4 Km) 143.3 Mi (230.6 Km)
ESE to South Valley, NM40,976121.9 Mi (196.1 Km) 138.2 Mi (222.4 Km)
E to Enchanted Hills Boulevard Northeast, NM87,521122 Mi (196.3 Km) 157.9 Mi (254.1 Km)
ESE to Albuquerque, NM545,852123.7 Mi (199 Km) 140.3 Mi (225.9 Km)
NNE to Durango, CO16,887129.9 Mi (209.1 Km) 162 Mi (260.7 Km)
E to Santa Fe, NM67,947158 Mi (254.2 Km) 199.2 Mi (320.6 Km)
W to Flagstaff, AZ65,870165.5 Mi (266.4 Km) 185.1 Mi (297.8 Km)
WSW to Payson, AZ15,301171.7 Mi (276.3 Km) 192.2 Mi (309.3 Km)

Gallup to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Gallup and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Gallup, NM Population Distance
E to Church Rock, NM1,1288 Mi (12.9 Km) 9.5 Mi (15.3 Km)
N to Twin Lakes, NM1,05212.6 Mi (20.4 Km) 14 Mi (22.5 Km)
WNW to Window Rock, AZ2,71220.4 Mi (32.8 Km) 26.3 Mi (42.3 Km)
WNW to St Michaels, AZ1,44321.4 Mi (34.5 Km) 27.8 Mi (44.8 Km)
NW to Fort Defiance, AZ3,62424 Mi (38.6 Km) 31.1 Mi (50 Km)

Gallup to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Gallup to major cities in New Mexico.

From Gallup, NM Population Distance
SSE to Las Cruces, NM97,618249.1 Mi (400.8 Km) 338 Mi (543.9 Km)
ESE to Roswell, NM48,366282 Mi (453.9 Km) 335.9 Mi (540.5 Km)
Gallup to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Gallup to major cities in Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Arizona and Colorado.

From Gallup, NM Population Distance
SW to Phoenix, AZ1,445,632238 Mi (383.1 Km) 281 Mi (452.3 Km)
NE to Denver, CO600,158356.1 Mi (573.1 Km) 583.5 Mi (939.1 Km)
NNW to Salt Lake City, UT186,440400 Mi (643.8 Km) 481.5 Mi (774.9 Km)
E to Oklahoma City, OK579,999631.3 Mi (1016 Km) 678.9 Mi (1092.6 Km)
ESE to Houston, TX2,099,451873.3 Mi (1405.4 Km) 1018.8 Mi (1639.6 Km)