Distance from Fort Worth, TX to Nearby Cities

The distance from Fort Worth to the nearest city Haltom City is 5.5 miles or 8.8 kilometers away. The nearest town Forest Hill is 8.5 miles or 13.6 kilometers away. 4 major cities are near Fort Worth; Dallas being the closest is 32.4 miles or 52.2 kilometers away.

Fort Worth is also near the Oklahoma state border; Oklahoma City in Oklahoma is 200.8 miles or 323.1 kilometers away.

Fort Worth Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Fort Worth Distances
Nearby Location(s): 18
Nearest Location: 4.7 Mi (7.6 Km)

Fort Worth to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Fort Worth and nearby cities in the United States.

From Fort Worth, TX Population Distance
NE to Haltom City, TX42,4094.7 Mi (7.6 Km) 5.5 Mi (8.8 Km)
SW to Benbrook, TX21,2349.5 Mi (15.2 Km) 11.6 Mi (18.6 Km)
ENE to Hurst, TX37,33710.4 Mi (16.8 Km) 11.3 Mi (18.2 Km)
ENE to Bedford, TX46,97912.5 Mi (20.1 Km) 13.7 Mi (22 Km)
E to Arlington, TX365,43813 Mi (20.9 Km) 15.1 Mi (24.3 Km)

Fort Worth to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Fort Worth and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Fort Worth, TX Population Distance
SSE to Forest Hill, TX12,3556.8 Mi (10.9 Km) 8.5 Mi (13.6 Km)
S to Edgecliff Village, TX2,7766.8 Mi (10.9 Km) 8.7 Mi (14 Km)
N to Blue Mound, TX2,3947 Mi (11.3 Km) 9.7 Mi (15.6 Km)
SSE to Everman, TX6,1088.9 Mi (14.4 Km) 11.4 Mi (18.3 Km)
ESE to Dalworthington Gardens, TX2,25910.8 Mi (17.4 Km) 14.2 Mi (22.9 Km)

Fort Worth to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Fort Worth to major cities in Texas.

From Fort Worth, TX Population Distance
E to Dallas, TX1,197,81631.1 Mi (50 Km) 32.4 Mi (52.2 Km)
S to Austin, TX790,390173.7 Mi (279.5 Km) 189.5 Mi (305 Km)
SSE to Houston, TX2,099,451237.2 Mi (381.7 Km) 261.8 Mi (421.4 Km)
W to El Paso, TX649,121536.6 Mi (863.6 Km) 603.4 Mi (971.2 Km)
Fort Worth to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Fort Worth to major cities in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico and Oklahoma.

From Fort Worth, TX Population Distance
N to Oklahoma City, OK579,999187.7 Mi (302.1 Km) 200.8 Mi (323.1 Km)
ENE to Little Rock, AR193,524320.7 Mi (516 Km) 350.9 Mi (564.7 Km)
ESE to New Orleans, LA343,829470.1 Mi (756.5 Km) 540.5 Mi (869.9 Km)
WNW to Albuquerque, NM545,852556.2 Mi (895.1 Km) 620.7 Mi (999 Km)