Distance from Elkhart, IN to Nearby Cities

The distance from Elkhart to the nearest city Granger is 10.7 miles or 17.2 kilometers away. The nearest town Dunlap is 4.6 miles or 7.3 kilometers away. 4 major cities are near Elkhart; Fort Wayne being the closest is 69.7 miles or 112.2 kilometers away.

Elkhart is also near the Illinois state border; Chicago in Illinois is 111.1 miles or 178.7 kilometers away.

Elkhart Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Elkhart Distances
Nearby Location(s): 18
Nearest Location: 4.2 Mi (6.8 Km)

Elkhart to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Elkhart and nearby cities in the United States.

From Elkhart, IN Population Distance
NW to Granger, IN30,4658.5 Mi (13.7 Km) 10.7 Mi (17.2 Km)
W to Mishawaka, IN48,2529.5 Mi (15.3 Km) 9.7 Mi (15.7 Km)
SE to Goshen, IN31,71910.1 Mi (16.2 Km) 11.2 Mi (18 Km)
W to South Bend, IN101,16814.2 Mi (22.9 Km) 21.2 Mi (34 Km)
W to La Porte, IN22,05338.8 Mi (62.5 Km) 45 Mi (72.4 Km)

Elkhart to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Elkhart and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Elkhart, IN Population Distance
SE to Dunlap, IN6,2354.2 Mi (6.7 Km) 4.6 Mi (7.3 Km)
N to Simonton Lake, IN4,6785 Mi (8 Km) 5.6 Mi (9 Km)
WSW to Osceola, IN2,4635.3 Mi (8.5 Km) 5.6 Mi (9 Km)
ENE to Bristol, IN1,6028.7 Mi (13.9 Km) 9.3 Mi (14.9 Km)
SSW to Wakarusa, IN1,75810.3 Mi (16.6 Km) 12 Mi (19.2 Km)

Elkhart to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Elkhart to major cities in Indiana.

From Elkhart, IN Population Distance
SE to Fort Wayne, IN253,69160.2 Mi (96.8 Km) 69.7 Mi (112.2 Km)
W to Hammond, IN80,83079 Mi (127.1 Km) 88.4 Mi (142.3 Km)
S to Bloomington, IN80,405176.3 Mi (283.8 Km) 212.9 Mi (342.7 Km)
SSW to Evansville, IN117,429270 Mi (434.6 Km) 334.2 Mi (537.8 Km)
Elkhart to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Elkhart to major cities in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Illinois.

From Elkhart, IN Population Distance
W to Chicago, IL2,695,59886.3 Mi (138.8 Km) 111.1 Mi (178.7 Km)
ENE to Detroit, MI713,777157.1 Mi (252.8 Km) 191 Mi (307.4 Km)
SE to Columbus, OH787,033195.9 Mi (315.3 Km) 245.2 Mi (394.6 Km)
SE to Ironville, KY288,649282.6 Mi (454.7 Km) 364.2 Mi (586.1 Km)