Distance from Ebolowa to Nearby Cities

The distance from Ebolowa to the nearest city Lolodorf is 73.1 kilometers or 45.4 miles away. The nearest town Ngomedzap is 56.7 kilometers or 35.2 miles away. The nearest major city Kribi is 169.9 kilometers or 105.5 miles away.

Ebolowa is also 122.5 kilometers or 76.1 miles from Ebebiyín in Gabon.

Ebolowa Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Ebolowa Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 38 Km (23.6 Mi)

Ebolowa to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Ebolowa and nearby cities in Cameroon.

From Ebolowa Population Distance
NW to Lolodorf22,25258.4 Km (36.3 Mi) 73.1 Km (45.4 Mi)
NNE to Mbalmayo80,20676.2 Km (47.3 Mi) 103.1 Km (64 Mi)
NNW to Eseka22,22189.8 Km (55.8 Mi) 131.2 Km (81.5 Mi)
E to Sangmelima54,25192.2 Km (57.3 Mi) 116.9 Km (72.6 Mi)

Ebolowa to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Ebolowa and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Cameroon.

From Ebolowa Population Distance
N to Ngomedzap4,28438 Km (23.6 Mi) 56.7 Km (35.2 Mi)
E to Mvangue1,90840.9 Km (25.4 Mi) 49.6 Km (30.8 Mi)
SSE to Ambam8,47661.8 Km (38.4 Mi) 88.4 Km (55 Mi)
NNE to Akono3,82166.6 Km (41.4 Mi) 93.3 Km (58 Mi)

Ebolowa to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Ebolowa to major cities in South.

From Ebolowa Population Distance
W to Kribi55,224138.4 Km (86 Mi) 169.9 Km (105.5 Mi)
Ebolowa to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Ebolowa to major cities in bordering Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.

From Ebolowa Population Distance
SSE to Ebebiyín Gabon24,83188.4 Km (54.9 Mi) 122.5 Km (76.1 Mi)
SW to Bata Equatorial Guinea173,046194.1 Km (120.6 Mi) 346.7 Km (215.4 Mi)