Distance from Dire Dawa to Nearby Cities

The distance from Dire Dawa to the nearest city Harar is 52.1 kilometers or 32.4 miles away. The nearest town Deder is 91.2 kilometers or 56.6 miles away. 5 major cities are near Dire Dawa; Adama being the closest is 357.3 kilometers or 222 miles away.

Dire Dawa is also 283.2 kilometers or 176 miles from Baki in Somalia.

Dire Dawa Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Dire Dawa Distances
Nearby Location(s): 19
Nearest Location: 43.8 Km (27.2 Mi)

Dire Dawa to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Dire Dawa and nearby cities in Ethiopia.

From Dire Dawa Population Distance
SE to Harar90,21843.8 Km (27.2 Mi) 52.1 Km (32.4 Mi)
ESE to Jijiga56,821107.2 Km (66.6 Mi) 154.4 Km (96 Mi)
WSW to Asebe Teferi30,772122.7 Km (76.2 Mi) 177.6 Km (110.4 Mi)
SW to Bedesa17,526140.6 Km (87.4 Mi) 206.6 Km (128.4 Mi)
WSW to Gelemso16,065170 Km (105.6 Mi)
NNW to Asaita20,342221.5 Km (137.7 Mi) 657.2 Km (408.3 Mi)
WSW to Metehara23,403225.9 Km (140.3 Mi) 261.7 Km (162.6 Mi)
WSW to Abomsa15,258247.1 Km (153.5 Mi)
WNW to Kemise23,861249.9 Km (155.3 Mi) 702.8 Km (436.7 Mi)
NNW to Dubti26,370252 Km (156.6 Mi) 610.5 Km (379.4 Mi)

Dire Dawa to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Dire Dawa and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Ethiopia.

From Dire Dawa Population Distance
SW to Deder8,88454.1 Km (33.6 Mi) 91.2 Km (56.6 Mi)
WSW to Hīrna12,29592.4 Km (57.4 Mi) 143.4 Km (89.1 Mi)

Dire Dawa to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Dire Dawa to major cities in Dire Dawa.

From Dire Dawa Population Distance
WSW to Adama213,995308.7 Km (191.8 Mi) 357.3 Km (222 Mi)
WSW to Addis Ababa2,757,729346.4 Km (215.2 Mi) 445.1 Km (276.5 Mi)
NNW to Mek'ele215,546504.9 Km (313.7 Mi) 934.1 Km (580.4 Mi)
WNW to Bahir Dar168,899536.6 Km (333.4 Mi) 1006.5 Km (625.4 Mi)
NW to Gondar153,914583.2 Km (362.4 Mi) 1107.1 Km (687.9 Mi)
Dire Dawa to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Dire Dawa to major cities in bordering Djibouti and Somalia.

From Dire Dawa Population Distance
ENE to Baki Somalia20,000171.9 Km (106.8 Mi) 283.2 Km (176 Mi)
NNE to Ali Sabieh Djibouti40,074196.4 Km (122 Mi) 231.2 Km (143.6 Mi)