Distance from Debark' to Nearby Cities

The distance from Debark' to the nearest city Gondar is 119.2 kilometers or 74.1 miles away. The nearest town Dabat is 43.3 kilometers or 26.9 miles away. 3 major cities are near Debark'; Dessie being the closest is 643.9 kilometers or 400.1 miles away.

Debark' Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Debark' Distances
Nearby Location(s): 16
Nearest Location: 30.3 Km (18.8 Mi)

Debark' to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Debark' and nearby cities in Ethiopia.

From Debark' Population Distance
SW to Gondar153,91483.4 Km (51.8 Mi) 119.2 Km (74.1 Mi)
NNE to 3050,078108.2 Km (67.3 Mi) 198.7 Km (123.5 Mi)
S to Addis Zemen22,522119.3 Km (74.1 Mi) 207.3 Km (128.8 Mi)
NE to Aksum41,249136.4 Km (84.8 Mi) 265.9 Km (165.2 Mi)
S to Wereta26,813143.7 Km (89.3 Mi) 233.1 Km (144.8 Mi)
S to Debre Tabor32,659147.7 Km (91.8 Mi) 270.9 Km (168.3 Mi)
ENE to Mek'ele215,546167.6 Km (104.2 Mi) 443.9 Km (275.8 Mi)
ESE to Maychew27,186178.2 Km (110.7 Mi) 667.1 Km (414.5 Mi)
ESE to Korem30,633186.1 Km (115.7 Mi) 621.5 Km (386.2 Mi)
SSW to Bahir Dar168,899186.6 Km (115.9 Mi) 292.3 Km (181.6 Mi)

Debark' to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Debark' and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Ethiopia.

From Debark' Population Distance
SW to Dabat11,54430.3 Km (18.8 Mi) 43.3 Km (26.9 Mi)
SE to Lalibela11,152175 Km (108.7 Mi) 475.3 Km (295.4 Mi)
S to Debre Werk10,579282 Km (175.2 Mi) 484.6 Km (301.1 Mi)

Debark' to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Debark' to major cities in Amhara.

From Debark' Population Distance
SE to Dessie136,056293.1 Km (182.1 Mi) 643.9 Km (400.1 Mi)
SE to Kombolcha93,605303.2 Km (188.4 Mi) 666.3 Km (414 Mi)
S to Debre Markos59,920318.3 Km (197.8 Mi) 548.3 Km (340.7 Mi)