Distance from Darchula to Nearby Cities

The distance from Darchula to the nearest city Dipayal Silgadhi 10800 is 70.9 kilometers or 44 miles away. The nearest town Achham is 104.8 kilometers or 65.1 miles away. 5 major cities are near Darchula; Baglung being the closest is 326.7 kilometers or 203 miles away.

Darchula is also 62.4 kilometers or 38.8 miles from Pithoragarh in India.

Darchula Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Darchula Distances
Nearby Location(s): 20
Nearest Location: 62.4 Km (38.8 Mi)

Darchula to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Darchula and nearby cities in Nepal.

From Darchula Population Distance
SSE to Dipayal Silgadhi 1080023,41670.9 Km (44 Mi)
S to Dhangadhi92,294133.8 Km (83.1 Mi)
SE to Dailekh 2160020,908147.7 Km (91.8 Mi)
SSE to Tikapur44,758156.1 Km (97 Mi)
SSE to Birendranagar31,381167.3 Km (103.9 Mi)
SSE to Gulariya53,107192.4 Km (119.6 Mi)
SSE to Nepalgunj64,400219.3 Km (136.3 Mi)
SE to Tulsipur39,058244.6 Km (152 Mi)

Darchula to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Darchula and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Nepal.

From Darchula Population Distance
SSE to Achham?104.8 Km (65.1 Mi)
ESE to Jumla9,073147.8 Km (91.8 Mi)
SSE to Surkhet?180.8 Km (112.3 Mi)
SSE to Bardiya?186.2 Km (115.7 Mi)
SE to Salyan?215.5 Km (133.9 Mi)
SE to Pyuthan 22300?283.6 Km (176.2 Mi)

Darchula to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Darchula to major cities in Mahakali.

From Darchula Population Distance
ESE to Baglung23,296326.7 Km (203 Mi)
SE to Tansen 3250023,693351.7 Km (218.5 Mi)
SE to Butwal91,733356.5 Km (221.5 Mi)
ESE to Pokhara200,000363.3 Km (225.7 Mi)
SE to Siddharthanagar63,367371.1 Km (230.6 Mi)
Darchula to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Darchula to India.

From Darchula Population Distance
WSW to Pithoragarh India47,57162.4 Km (38.8 Mi)