Distance from Danli to Nearby Cities

The distance from Danli to the nearest city El Paraiso is 19.3 kilometers or 12 miles away. The nearest town Arauli is 9.5 kilometers or 5.9 miles away.

Danli is also 57 kilometers or 35.4 miles from Ocotal in Nicaragua.

Danli Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Danli Distances
Nearby Location(s): 10
Nearest Location: 8 Km (5 Mi)

Danli to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Danli and nearby cities in Honduras.

From Danli Population Distance
S to El Paraiso18,77918.8 Km (11.7 Mi) 19.3 Km (12 Mi)
W to Tegucigalpa850,84869.9 Km (43.4 Mi) 101 Km (62.7 Mi)
NNE to Juticalpa33,68678.7 Km (48.9 Mi) 138 Km (85.8 Mi)

Danli to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Danli and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Honduras.

From Danli Population Distance
SSE to Arauli1,1608 Km (5 Mi) 9.5 Km (5.9 Mi)
SW to San Matias1,2518.8 Km (5.5 Mi) 13.2 Km (8.2 Mi)
WSW to Jacaleapa2,57811 Km (6.8 Mi) 13.5 Km (8.4 Mi)
E to El Benque1,10111.2 Km (7 Mi) 12.2 Km (7.6 Mi)
E to San Diego1,30613.3 Km (8.3 Mi) 14.8 Km (9.2 Mi)

Danli to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Danli to major cities in bordering El Salvador and Nicaragua.

From Danli Population Distance
SSE to Ocotal Nicaragua33,92846.8 Km (29.1 Mi) 57 Km (35.4 Mi)
WSW to La Union El Salvador26,807159.2 Km (98.9 Mi) 255 Km (158.4 Mi)