Constanța is also 100.8 kilometers or 62.7 miles from Dobrich in Bulgaria.
Constanța Summary:
- The coordinates for Constanța are 44.173333 28.638333.
- The Europe/Bucharest timezone is observed in Constanța.
- The elevation for Constanța is 46.5 Meters (152.56 Feet).
Constanța Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 13 |
Nearest Location: | 6.8 Km (4.2 Mi) |
Constanța to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Constanța and nearby cities in Romania.
From Constanța | Population | Distance | |
N to Năvodari 905700 | 33,106 | 18.7 Km (11.6 Mi) | 24.8 Km (15.4 Mi) |
WNW to Medgidia | 43,315 | 29.7 Km (18.5 Mi) | 39.5 Km (24.5 Mi) |
S to Mangalia | 39,619 | 40.2 Km (25 Mi) | 44.1 Km (27.4 Mi) |
WNW to Cernavodă 905200 | 18,502 | 51.4 Km (31.9 Mi) | 63 Km (39.2 Mi) |
WNW to Fetești | 32,866 | 68.1 Km (42.3 Mi) | 84.9 Km (52.8 Mi) |
Constanța to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Constanța and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Romania.
From Constanța | Population | Distance | |
NNW to Palazu Mare | 3,714 | 6.8 Km (4.2 Mi) | 7.4 Km (4.6 Mi) |
SSW to Agigea 907015 | 5,405 | 9 Km (5.6 Mi) | 9.7 Km (6 Mi) |
SW to Cumpăna 907105 | 9,731 | 9.3 Km (5.8 Mi) | 10.6 Km (6.6 Mi) |
NW to Ovidiu 905900 | 13,257 | 11.3 Km (7 Mi) | 18.9 Km (11.8 Mi) |
S to Eforie Nord | 4,598 | 12.2 Km (7.6 Mi) | 13.5 Km (8.4 Mi) |
Constanța to Major Cities in Bordering Countries
The list below shows the distance from Constanța to major cities in bordering Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine.