Distance from Cleveland, TN to Nearby Cities

The distance from Cleveland center to the nearest city East Brainerd is 21.9 miles or 35.2 kilometers away. The nearest town East Cleveland is 1.5 miles or 2.4 kilometers away. 4 major cities are near Cleveland; Knoxville being the closest is 83.1 miles or 133.7 kilometers away.

Cleveland is also near the Georgia state border; Atlanta in Georgia is 120.9 miles or 194.5 kilometers away.

Cleveland Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Cleveland Distances
Nearby Location(s): 22
Nearest Location: 1.1 Mi (1.8 Km)

Cleveland to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Cleveland and nearby cities in the United States.

From Cleveland, TN Population Distance
SW to East Brainerd, TN15,11416.6 Mi (26.8 Km) 21.9 Mi (35.2 Km)
WSW to East Ridge, TN20,97922.8 Mi (36.7 Km) 26.2 Mi (42.2 Km)
WSW to Chattanooga, TN167,67425.7 Mi (41.4 Km) 31.8 Mi (51.2 Km)
S to Dalton, GA33,12827.5 Mi (44.2 Km) 29.2 Mi (47 Km)
S to Calhoun, GA15,65045.6 Mi (73.4 Km) 52.9 Mi (85.1 Km)

Cleveland to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Cleveland and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Cleveland, TN Population Distance
E to East Cleveland, TN1,6081.1 Mi (1.7 Km) 1.5 Mi (2.4 Km)
SSW to South Cleveland, TN6,9123.5 Mi (5.7 Km) 3.8 Mi (6.2 Km)
SSE to Wildwood Lake, TN3,1244.8 Mi (7.8 Km) 5.6 Mi (8.9 Km)
NNW to Hopewell, TN1,8745.6 Mi (9 Km) 7.8 Mi (12.6 Km)
SW to Collegedale, TN8,28212.3 Mi (19.7 Km) 15.5 Mi (25 Km)

Cleveland to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Cleveland to major cities in Tennessee.

From Cleveland, TN Population Distance
NE to Knoxville, TN178,87477.2 Mi (124.2 Km) 83.1 Mi (133.7 Km)
WNW to Nashville, TN530,852127.5 Mi (205.1 Km) 163.5 Mi (263.1 Km)
NW to Clarksville, TN132,929168.3 Mi (270.8 Km) 208.4 Mi (335.4 Km)
W to Memphis, TN646,889292.2 Mi (470.3 Km) 368.7 Mi (593.3 Km)
Cleveland to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Cleveland to major cities in Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi and North Carolina.

From Cleveland, TN Population Distance
SSE to Atlanta, GA420,003101.4 Mi (163.2 Km) 120.9 Mi (194.5 Km)
SW to Birmingham, AL212,237157.8 Mi (254 Km) 176.5 Mi (284.1 Km)
E to Charlotte, NC731,424217.9 Mi (350.7 Km) 312.4 Mi (502.8 Km)
NNE to Ironville, KY288,649257.9 Mi (415.1 Km) 342.9 Mi (551.9 Km)
WSW to Jackson, MS173,514363.5 Mi (585 Km) 412.8 Mi (664.3 Km)
W to Little Rock, AR193,524420.8 Mi (677.2 Km) 505.3 Mi (813.2 Km)
ENE to Richmond, VA204,214445.5 Mi (717 Km) 517.1 Mi (832.2 Km)
WNW to Kansas City, MO459,787599.5 Mi (964.8 Km) 714.7 Mi (1150.2 Km)