Distance from Cincinnati, OH to Nearby Cities

The distance from Cincinnati to the nearest city Newport is 1.6 miles or 2.5 kilometers away. The nearest town Bellevue is 2.9 miles or 4.7 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Cincinnati; Dayton being the closest is 54.4 miles or 87.5 kilometers away.

Cincinnati is also near the Indiana state border; Indianapolis in Indiana is 112.2 miles or 180.6 kilometers away.

Cincinnati Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Cincinnati Distances
Nearby Location(s): 20
Nearest Location: 1.2 Mi (1.9 Km)

Cincinnati to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Cincinnati and nearby cities in the United States.

From Cincinnati, OH Population Distance
SE to Newport, KY15,2731.2 Mi (1.9 Km) 1.6 Mi (2.5 Km)
S to Covington, KY40,6401.4 Mi (2.2 Km) 1.6 Mi (2.6 Km)
ESE to Fort Thomas, KY16,3254 Mi (6.4 Km) 5 Mi (8.1 Km)
NE to Norwood, OH19,2075.3 Mi (8.4 Km) 8.7 Mi (14.1 Km)
SW to Erlanger, KY18,0827.6 Mi (12.3 Km) 10.3 Mi (16.6 Km)

Cincinnati to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Cincinnati and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Cincinnati, OH Population Distance
E to Bellevue, KY5,9551.8 Mi (2.9 Km) 2.9 Mi (4.7 Km)
WSW to Ludlow, KY4,4072 Mi (3.3 Km) 3.9 Mi (6.2 Km)
ENE to Dayton, KY5,3382.2 Mi (3.6 Km) 3.3 Mi (5.3 Km)
SSW to Park Hills, KY2,9702.4 Mi (3.9 Km) 3.3 Mi (5.2 Km)
SE to Southgate, KY3,8033 Mi (4.8 Km) 4.9 Mi (7.9 Km)

Cincinnati to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Cincinnati to major cities in Ohio.

From Cincinnati, OH Population Distance
NNE to Dayton, OH141,52748.4 Mi (78 Km) 54.4 Mi (87.5 Km)
NE to Columbus, OH787,033100.1 Mi (161.1 Km) 106.7 Mi (171.7 Km)
NNE to Toledo, OH287,208184 Mi (296.1 Km) 203.8 Mi (328 Km)
NE to Akron, OH199,110209.1 Mi (336.5 Km) 231.8 Mi (373.1 Km)
NE to Cleveland, OH396,815222.4 Mi (358 Km) 249.3 Mi (401.3 Km)
Cincinnati to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Cincinnati to major cities in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky and Michigan.

From Cincinnati, OH Population Distance
WNW to Indianapolis, IN829,71899.2 Mi (159.6 Km) 112.2 Mi (180.6 Km)
ESE to Ironville, KY288,649107.7 Mi (173.4 Km) 139.8 Mi (225.1 Km)
ESE to Charleston, WV51,400163.7 Mi (263.5 Km) 197.9 Mi (318.5 Km)
NNE to Detroit, MI713,777236 Mi (379.7 Km) 262.8 Mi (423 Km)
E to Philadelphia, PA1,526,006501.5 Mi (807 Km) 572 Mi (920.6 Km)