Distance from Cheb to Nearby Cities

The distance from Cheb to the nearest city Sokolov is 31.6 kilometers or 19.6 miles away. The nearest town Františkovy Lázně is 5.8 kilometers or 3.6 miles away.

Cheb is also 27.2 kilometers or 16.9 miles from Selb in Germany.

Cheb Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Cheb Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 4.7 Km (2.9 Mi)

Cheb to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Cheb and nearby cities in Czech Republic.

From Cheb Population Distance
ENE to Sokolov24,90123.2 Km (14.4 Mi) 31.6 Km (19.6 Mi)
ENE to Karlovy Vary51,80739.6 Km (24.6 Mi) 46.2 Km (28.7 Mi)
ENE to Ostrov17,20647.7 Km (29.7 Mi) 56.3 Km (35 Mi)
ENE to Klášterec nad Ohří15,04066.3 Km (41.2 Mi) 80.2 Km (49.8 Mi)
ENE to Kadaň18,75972.1 Km (44.8 Mi) 88.1 Km (54.8 Mi)

Cheb to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Cheb and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Czech Republic.

From Cheb Population Distance
NNW to Františkovy Lázně5,3554.7 Km (2.9 Mi) 5.8 Km (3.6 Mi)
N to Skalná1,95010.1 Km (6.3 Mi) 13.3 Km (8.3 Mi)
NW to Hazlov1,58311 Km (6.8 Mi) 13.5 Km (8.4 Mi)
ENE to Kynšperk nad Ohří5,08512.3 Km (7.6 Mi) 18 Km (11.2 Mi)
ESE to Dolní Žandov1,20414.6 Km (9.1 Mi) 21 Km (13 Mi)

Cheb to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Cheb to Germany.

From Cheb Population Distance
WNW to Selb Germany17,13219.7 Km (12.2 Mi) 27.2 Km (16.9 Mi)