Cancún Summary:
- The coordinates for Cancún are 21.161908 -86.8515279.
- The America/Cancun timezone is observed in Cancún.
- The elevation for Cancún is 12.89 Meters (42.3 Feet).
Cancún Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 9 |
Nearest Location: | 8.9 Km (5.5 Mi) |
Cancún to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Cancún and nearby cities in Mexico.
From Cancún | Population | Distance | |
SSW to Playa del Carmen | 100,383 | 63.6 Km (39.5 Mi) | 68.2 Km (42.4 Mi) |
S to San Miguel de Cozumel | 73,934 | 73.1 Km (45.4 Mi) | 99.3 Km (61.7 Mi) |
Cancún to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Cancún and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Mexico.
From Cancún | Population | Distance | |
S to Alfredo V. Bonfil | 10,153 | 8.8 Km (5.5 Mi) | 12.1 Km (7.5 Mi) |
NE to Isla Mujeres | 12,491 | 14.6 Km (9.1 Mi) | 19.2 Km (11.9 Mi) |
WSW to Leona Vicario | 5,731 | 41.3 Km (25.7 Mi) | 41.7 Km (25.9 Mi) |
W to Kantunilkín | 7,205 | 66 Km (41 Mi) | 89 Km (55.3 Mi) |
WSW to El Tintal | 1,074 | 70.4 Km (43.7 Mi) | 70.7 Km (44 Mi) |
Cancún to Major Cities
The list below shows the distance from Cancún to major cities in Quintana Roo.