Distance from Çanakkale to Nearby Cities

The distance from Çanakkale to the nearest city Gallipoli is 49.1 kilometers or 30.5 miles away. The nearest town Eceabat is 6.2 kilometers or 3.8 miles away.

Çanakkale is also 191.8 kilometers or 119.2 miles from Alexandroupoli in Greece.

Çanakkale Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Çanakkale Distances
Nearby Location(s): 12
Nearest Location: 6 Km (3.7 Mi)

Çanakkale to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Çanakkale and nearby cities in Turkey.

From Çanakkale Population Distance
NE to Gallipoli25,17837.1 Km (23 Mi) 49.1 Km (30.5 Mi)
S to Ezine15,67740.5 Km (25.1 Mi) 45.5 Km (28.3 Mi)
ESE to Çan26,20155.9 Km (34.7 Mi) 70.4 Km (43.8 Mi)
E to Biga30,85271.5 Km (44.4 Mi) 95.5 Km (59.4 Mi)
SE to Edremit40,77780.7 Km (50.1 Mi) 128.7 Km (80 Mi)

Çanakkale to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Çanakkale and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Turkey.

From Çanakkale Population Distance
NW to Eceabat5,1205.9 Km (3.7 Mi) 6.2 Km (3.8 Mi)
SSW to İntepe Yolu?16.4 Km (10.2 Mi) 19.3 Km (12 Mi)
ENE to Umurbey?19.9 Km (12.4 Mi) 26 Km (16.1 Mi)
ESE to Kirazlı Yolu?27.6 Km (17.2 Mi) 34.1 Km (21.2 Mi)
NE to Lapseki10,07632.2 Km (20 Mi) 34.4 Km (21.4 Mi)

Çanakkale to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Çanakkale to major cities in bordering Bulgaria and Greece.

From Çanakkale Population Distance
NNW to Alexandroupoli Greece52,97989.9 Km (55.9 Mi) 191.8 Km (119.2 Mi)
N to 6500 Svilengrad Bulgaria19,279180.9 Km (112.4 Mi) 263.7 Km (163.9 Mi)