Distance from Cambridge, MA to Nearby Cities

The distance from Cambridge to the nearest city Somerville is 1.9 miles or 3 kilometers away. The nearest town Nahant is 17.1 miles or 27.5 kilometers away. 4 major cities are near Cambridge; Lowell being the closest is 27.3 miles or 43.9 kilometers away.

Cambridge is also near the Rhode Island state border; Providence in Rhode Island is 54.9 miles or 88.4 kilometers away.

Cambridge Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Cambridge Distances
Nearby Location(s): 19
Nearest Location: 1.1 Mi (1.8 Km)

Cambridge to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Cambridge and nearby cities in the United States.

From Cambridge, MA Population Distance
NNE to Somerville, MA75,7541.1 Mi (1.8 Km) 1.9 Mi (3 Km)
ESE to Boston, MA617,5942.8 Mi (4.4 Km) 2.9 Mi (4.6 Km)
S to Brookline, MA58,7323 Mi (4.7 Km) 3.9 Mi (6.3 Km)
N to Medford, MA56,1733.1 Mi (5 Km) 4.1 Mi (6.5 Km)
W to Watertown, MA31,9153.7 Mi (6 Km) 4.3 Mi (7 Km)

Cambridge to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Cambridge and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Cambridge, MA Population Distance
ENE to Nahant, MA3,41010.4 Mi (16.7 Km) 17.1 Mi (27.5 Km)
WNW to Lincoln, MA8,19710.6 Mi (17 Km) 12.9 Mi (20.7 Km)
ESE to Hull, MA10,29311.4 Mi (18.4 Km) 34.7 Mi (55.9 Km)
NW to Bedford, MA12,50211.7 Mi (18.9 Km) 15.1 Mi (24.2 Km)
NNE to Lynnfield, MA11,59611.9 Mi (19.1 Km) 15.9 Mi (25.6 Km)

Cambridge to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Cambridge to major cities in Massachusetts.

From Cambridge, MA Population Distance
NNW to Lowell, MA106,51920.8 Mi (33.5 Km) 27.3 Mi (43.9 Km)
WSW to Worcester, MA181,04536.2 Mi (58.3 Km) 43.9 Mi (70.7 Km)
S to New Bedford, MA95,07251.8 Mi (83.3 Km) 62.6 Mi (100.7 Km)
WSW to Springfield, MA153,06078 Mi (125.6 Km) 87.3 Mi (140.5 Km)
Cambridge to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Cambridge to major cities in New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Connecticut.

From Cambridge, MA Population Distance
SSW to Providence, RI178,04241 Mi (66.1 Km) 54.9 Mi (88.4 Km)
NNW to Manchester, NH109,56546.4 Mi (74.7 Km) 52.2 Mi (84.1 Km)
SW to Bridgeport, CT144,229135.2 Mi (217.6 Km) 149.7 Mi (241 Km)
NW to Burlington, VT42,417179.6 Mi (289 Km) 215.4 Mi (346.6 Km)
SW to New York, NY8,175,133188.7 Mi (303.7 Km) 211.8 Mi (340.9 Km)