Distance from Buffalo, NY to Nearby Cities

The distance from Buffalo to the nearest city Lackawanna is 5.9 miles or 9.5 kilometers away. The nearest town Jamestown West is 72.9 miles or 117.4 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Buffalo; Amherst being the closest is 14.7 miles or 23.6 kilometers away.

Buffalo is also near the Pennsylvania state border; Philadelphia in Pennsylvania is 375.1 miles or 603.7 kilometers away. Buffalo is also 6.6 miles or 10.6 kilometers from Fort Erie in Canada.

Buffalo Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Buffalo Distances
Nearby Location(s): 26
Nearest Location: 4.9 Mi (7.9 Km)

Buffalo to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Buffalo and nearby cities in the United States.

From Buffalo, NY Population Distance
SE to Lackawanna, NY18,1415 Mi (8.1 Km) 5.9 Mi (9.5 Km)
N to Kenmore, NY15,4235.5 Mi (8.9 Km) 8.3 Mi (13.3 Km)
NE to Eggertsville, NY15,0196.5 Mi (10.5 Km) 8.4 Mi (13.5 Km)
E to Cheektowaga, NY75,1786.9 Mi (11 Km) 9.5 Mi (15.3 Km)
ESE to West Seneca, NY44,7117.2 Mi (11.6 Km) 9.9 Mi (16 Km)

Buffalo to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Buffalo and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Buffalo, NY Population Distance
SSW to Jamestown West, NY2,40858.6 Mi (94.3 Km) 72.9 Mi (117.4 Km)
S to Russell, PA1,40866.6 Mi (107.2 Km) 84.9 Mi (136.7 Km)
SW to North East, PA4,29467.2 Mi (108.2 Km) 76 Mi (122.2 Km)
S to North Warren, PA1,93471.3 Mi (114.8 Km) 89.4 Mi (143.9 Km)
SSE to Shinglehouse, PA1,12772.8 Mi (117.1 Km) 89.7 Mi (144.4 Km)
S to Warren, PA9,71073.3 Mi (118 Km) 91.5 Mi (147.3 Km)
SSW to Youngsville, PA1,72974.9 Mi (120.6 Km) 90.8 Mi (146.1 Km)
SW to Northwest Harborcreek, PA8,94976.3 Mi (122.8 Km) 88.5 Mi (142.4 Km)
SW to Lawrence Park, PA3,98277.3 Mi (124.4 Km) 87.2 Mi (140.3 Km)
SW to Wesleyville, PA3,34177.5 Mi (124.8 Km) 88.6 Mi (142.5 Km)

Buffalo to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Buffalo to major cities in New York.

From Buffalo, NY Population Distance
NE to Amherst, NY122,3667.6 Mi (12.2 Km) 14.7 Mi (23.6 Km)
ENE to Rochester, NY210,56566.8 Mi (107.5 Km) 76.4 Mi (123 Km)
E to Syracuse, NY145,170138.6 Mi (223 Km) 152.1 Mi (244.7 Km)
E to Albany, NY97,856260.3 Mi (419 Km) 288.3 Mi (463.9 Km)
ESE to Yonkers, NY195,976289.5 Mi (465.9 Km) 377.3 Mi (607.2 Km)
Buffalo to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Buffalo to major cities in Pennsylvania, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey.

From Buffalo, NY Population Distance
SE to Philadelphia, PA1,526,006279.5 Mi (449.8 Km) 375.1 Mi (603.7 Km)
ESE to Newark, NJ277,140284.3 Mi (457.5 Km) 362.9 Mi (584.1 Km)
ENE to Burlington, VT42,417303.7 Mi (488.7 Km) 377.1 Mi (606.8 Km)
ESE to Bridgeport, CT144,229314.4 Mi (506 Km) 423.6 Mi (681.8 Km)
E to Boston, MA617,594399.2 Mi (642.4 Km) 457.8 Mi (736.7 Km)
Buffalo to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Buffalo to Canada.

From Buffalo, NY Population Distance
WNW to Fort Erie Canada15,9534.9 Mi (7.8 Km) 6.6 Mi (10.6 Km)