Brno is also 86.2 kilometers or 53.6 miles from Skalica in Slovakia.
Brno Summary:
- The coordinates for Brno are 49.19506 16.606837100000007.
- The Europe/Prague timezone is observed in Brno.
- The elevation for Brno is 228.73 Meters (750.43 Feet).
Brno Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 15 |
Nearest Location: | 5.8 Km (3.6 Mi) |
Brno to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Brno and nearby cities in Czech Republic.
From Brno | Population | Distance | |
N to Blansko | 20,384 | 19.1 Km (11.9 Mi) | 30.6 Km (19 Mi) |
ENE to Vyskov | 22,265 | 29.7 Km (18.5 Mi) | 35.2 Km (21.9 Mi) |
NE to Prostějov | 47,374 | 47.6 Km (29.6 Mi) | 61.8 Km (38.4 Mi) |
W to Třebíč | 38,785 | 52.9 Km (32.9 Mi) | 74 Km (46 Mi) |
SSE to Breclav | 25,789 | 53.1 Km (33 Mi) | 59.5 Km (37 Mi) |
Brno to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Brno and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Czech Republic.
From Brno | Population | Distance | |
SW to Ostopovice | 1,367 | 5.9 Km (3.6 Mi) | 7.8 Km (4.9 Mi) |
S to Modřice | 3,866 | 7.5 Km (4.7 Mi) | 9.1 Km (5.6 Mi) |
WSW to Troubsko | 1,822 | 7.5 Km (4.7 Mi) | 9.9 Km (6.2 Mi) |
WSW to Střelice | 2,578 | 8.9 Km (5.5 Mi) | 12.6 Km (7.8 Mi) |
SSW to Želešice | 1,284 | 8.9 Km (5.5 Mi) | 10.4 Km (6.5 Mi) |
Brno to Major Cities
The list below shows the distance from Brno to major cities in South Moravian Region.
From Brno | Population | Distance | |
SE to Hodonín | 26,345 | 53.7 Km (33.4 Mi) | 71.9 Km (44.7 Mi) |
SW to 669 02 Znojmo | 35,280 | 55.5 Km (34.5 Mi) | 67.5 Km (41.9 Mi) |
Brno to Major Cities in Bordering Countries
The list below shows the distance from Brno to major cities in bordering Austria, Poland and Slovakia.