Distance from Brașov to Nearby Cities

The distance from Brașov to the nearest city Săcele is 12 kilometers or 7.5 miles away. The nearest town Sânpetru is 5.6 kilometers or 3.5 miles away. The nearest major city Făgăraș is 67 kilometers or 41.6 miles away.

Brașov Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Brașov Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 4.3 Km (2.7 Mi)

Brașov to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Brașov and nearby cities in Romania.

From Brașov Population Distance
SE to Săcele29,9188.1 Km (5 Mi) 12 Km (7.5 Mi)
WNW to Codlea 50510024,18812.9 Km (8 Mi) 15.4 Km (9.5 Mi)
SW to Râșnov 50540015,25314.6 Km (9.1 Mi) 17.1 Km (10.6 Mi)
NNE to Sfântu Gheorghe60,67725.4 Km (15.8 Mi) 33.5 Km (20.8 Mi)
WSW to Zărnești24,92625.8 Km (16 Mi) 28.9 Km (18 Mi)

Brașov to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Brașov and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Romania.

From Brașov Population Distance
NNE to Sânpetru3,3094.3 Km (2.7 Mi) 5.6 Km (3.5 Mi)
NE to Hărman 5070854,3217.4 Km (4.6 Mi) 9.6 Km (6 Mi)
W to Ghimbav 5070754,9678.6 Km (5.3 Mi) 9.3 Km (5.8 Mi)
N to Colonia Bod2,01210.4 Km (6.5 Mi) 14.2 Km (8.8 Mi)
E to Tărlungeni 5072207,21911 Km (6.8 Mi) 13.6 Km (8.5 Mi)

Brașov to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Brașov to major cities in Brașov County.

From Brașov Population Distance
WNW to Făgăraș34,03453.6 Km (33.3 Mi) 67 Km (41.6 Mi)