Distance from Bongor to Nearby Cities

The distance from Bongor to the nearest city Pala is 195 kilometers or 121.1 miles away. The nearest town Gounou Gaya is 183.1 kilometers or 113.8 miles away. 2 major cities are near Bongor; Sarh being the closest is 426.3 kilometers or 264.9 miles away.

Bongor is also 535.9 kilometers or 333 miles from Yagoua in Cameroon.

Bongor Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Bongor Distances
Nearby Location(s): 15
Nearest Location: 17.4 Km (10.8 Mi)

Bongor to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Bongor and nearby cities in Chad.

From Bongor Population Distance
SSW to Pala35,466113.5 Km (70.6 Mi) 195 Km (121.1 Mi)
SSE to Kelo42,533116.7 Km (72.5 Mi) 135.5 Km (84.2 Mi)
SE to Lai19,382140.9 Km (87.5 Mi) 150 Km (93.2 Mi)
WSW to Lere17,132143.8 Km (89.4 Mi) 288.6 Km (179.3 Mi)
SE to Benoy15,717176.1 Km (109.4 Mi) 213.1 Km (132.4 Mi)
NNE to Dourbali17,682178.1 Km (110.7 Mi) 336.9 Km (209.3 Mi)
SSE to Moundou135,167202.3 Km (125.7 Mi) 236 Km (146.6 Mi)
N to N'Djamena721,081209.8 Km (130.4 Mi) 242.6 Km (150.8 Mi)
SE to Doba24,336240.7 Km (149.5 Mi) 260.2 Km (161.7 Mi)
N to Massaguet17,906245.7 Km (152.7 Mi) 324.8 Km (201.8 Mi)

Bongor to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Bongor and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Chad.

From Bongor Population Distance
SSE to Gounou Gaya9,52173 Km (45.4 Mi) 183.1 Km (113.8 Mi)
NNE to Guelengdeng11,37974.1 Km (46 Mi) 86.9 Km (54 Mi)

Bongor to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Bongor to major cities in Mayo-Kebbi Est.

From Bongor Population Distance
ESE to Sarh102,528353.6 Km (219.7 Mi) 426.3 Km (264.9 Mi)
NE to Abeche74,188714.3 Km (443.8 Mi) 990.1 Km (615.2 Mi)
Bongor to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Bongor to Cameroon.

From Bongor Population Distance
WNW to Yagoua Cameroon80,23517.3 Km (10.8 Mi) 535.9 Km (333 Mi)