Distance from Bolzano to Nearby Cities

The distance from Bolzano to the nearest city Merano BZ is 34.7 kilometers or 21.6 miles away. The nearest town Cardano BZ is 3.9 kilometers or 2.4 miles away.

Bolzano is also 122.9 kilometers or 76.3 miles from Innsbruck in Austria.

Bolzano Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Bolzano Distances
Nearby Location(s): 12
Nearest Location: 2.9 Km (1.8 Mi)

Bolzano to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Bolzano and nearby cities in Italy.

From Bolzano Population Distance
NW to Merano BZ33,45324.7 Km (15.3 Mi) 34.7 Km (21.6 Mi)
NE to Bressanone BZ15,86833.6 Km (20.9 Mi) 42.3 Km (26.3 Mi)
SSW to Trento80,42550.9 Km (31.7 Mi) 59.3 Km (36.9 Mi)
SSW to 38068 Rovereto TN34,15271.8 Km (44.6 Mi) 82.4 Km (51.2 Mi)
ESE to 32100 Belluno BL25,06476.7 Km (47.6 Mi) 114.8 Km (71.3 Mi)

Bolzano to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Bolzano and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Italy.

From Bolzano Population Distance
E to Cardano BZ4423 Km (1.8 Mi) 3.9 Km (2.4 Mi)
NNW to 39050 San Genesio Atesino BZ1,2534.5 Km (2.8 Mi) 11.3 Km (7 Mi)
SSW to San Giacomo BZ3,4044.9 Km (3 Mi) 5.6 Km (3.5 Mi)
NE to 39054 Soprabolzano BZ1,0435.4 Km (3.3 Mi) 19.4 Km (12 Mi)
S to 39055 Pineta BZ1,6686.7 Km (4.1 Mi) 9.2 Km (5.7 Mi)

Bolzano to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Bolzano to major cities in bordering Austria and Switzerland.

From Bolzano Population Distance
N to Innsbruck Austria112,46785.8 Km (53.3 Mi) 122.9 Km (76.3 Mi)
WNW to Chur Switzerland32,429145.1 Km (90.2 Mi) 328.3 Km (204 Mi)