Distance from Bistrița to Nearby Cities

The distance from Bistrița to the nearest city Reghin is 61.7 kilometers or 38.3 miles away. The nearest town Unirea is 5.3 kilometers or 3.3 miles away. 5 major cities are near Bistrița; Cluj-Napoca being the closest is 110.9 kilometers or 68.9 miles away.

Bistrița is also 192.8 kilometers or 119.8 miles from Khust in Ukraine.

Bistrița Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Bistrița Distances
Nearby Location(s): 17
Nearest Location: 4.2 Km (2.6 Mi)

Bistrița to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Bistrița and nearby cities in Romania.

From Bistrița Population Distance
SSE to Reghin35,49043.7 Km (27.2 Mi) 61.7 Km (38.3 Mi)
WSW to Gherla 40530023,74145.5 Km (28.3 Mi) 67 Km (41.6 Mi)
W to Dej 40520038,03346.2 Km (28.7 Mi) 58.3 Km (36.2 Mi)
NNE to Borșa 43520026,96658.7 Km (36.5 Mi) 94.7 Km (58.9 Mi)
N to Vișeu de Sus16,93864.2 Km (39.9 Mi) 93 Km (57.8 Mi)

Bistrița to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Bistrița and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Romania.

From Bistrița Population Distance
NE to Unirea1,4694.2 Km (2.6 Mi) 5.3 Km (3.3 Mi)
SW to Viișoara1,1206.1 Km (3.8 Mi) 7.6 Km (4.7 Mi)
SSE to Budacu de Jos2,8666.3 Km (3.9 Mi) 7.6 Km (4.7 Mi)
N to Dumitra4,4829.5 Km (5.9 Mi) 12.1 Km (7.5 Mi)
WSW to Șieu-Măgheruș 4272953,83010.3 Km (6.4 Mi) 16.6 Km (10.3 Mi)

Bistrița to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Bistrița to major cities in Bistrița-Năsăud County.

From Bistrița Population Distance
WSW to Cluj-Napoca316,74880.3 Km (49.9 Mi) 110.9 Km (68.9 Mi)
E to Iași318,012234.6 Km (145.8 Mi) 310.3 Km (192.8 Mi)
WSW to Timișoara315,053293.1 Km (182.1 Mi) 400.3 Km (248.8 Mi)
S to Craiova304,142316.4 Km (196.6 Mi) 423.8 Km (263.3 Mi)
SSE to Bucharest1,877,155326.6 Km (202.9 Mi) 430.3 Km (267.4 Mi)
Bistrița to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Bistrița to major cities in bordering Hungary and Ukraine.

From Bistrița Population Distance
NW to Khust Ukraine27,999146.3 Km (90.9 Mi) 192.8 Km (119.8 Mi)
WNW to Mátészalka Hungary18,718186.5 Km (115.9 Mi) 255 Km (158.5 Mi)