Distance from Atlanta, GA to Nearby Cities

The distance from Atlanta to the nearest city North Decatur is 6.7 miles or 10.9 kilometers away. The nearest town Druid Hills is 4.5 miles or 7.3 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Atlanta; Sandy Springs being the closest is 16.5 miles or 26.6 kilometers away.

Atlanta is also near the Alabama state border; Birmingham in Alabama is 146.8 miles or 236.2 kilometers away.

Atlanta Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Atlanta Distances
Nearby Location(s): 20
Nearest Location: 3.7 Mi (6 Km)

Atlanta to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Atlanta and nearby cities in the United States.

From Atlanta, GA Population Distance
ENE to North Decatur, GA16,6985.5 Mi (8.9 Km) 6.7 Mi (10.9 Km)
ENE to Decatur, GA19,3355.6 Mi (9 Km) 6.2 Mi (10 Km)
SSW to East Point, GA33,7125.6 Mi (9.1 Km) 7.1 Mi (11.4 Km)
NE to North Druid Hills, GA18,9476.4 Mi (10.2 Km) 10.1 Mi (16.2 Km)
ESE to Candler-McAfee, GA23,0256.7 Mi (10.7 Km) 9.6 Mi (15.4 Km)

Atlanta to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Atlanta and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Atlanta, GA Population Distance
NE to Druid Hills, GA14,5683.7 Mi (5.9 Km) 4.5 Mi (7.3 Km)
SE to Gresham Park, GA7,4325.3 Mi (8.5 Km) 7.4 Mi (11.8 Km)
S to Hapeville, GA6,3736.3 Mi (10.1 Km) 6.9 Mi (11.1 Km)
ENE to Avondale Estates, GA2,9607.1 Mi (11.5 Km) 7.8 Mi (12.6 Km)
ESE to Panthersville, GA9,7497.3 Mi (11.7 Km) 8.8 Mi (14.2 Km)

Atlanta to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Atlanta to major cities in Georgia.

From Atlanta, GA Population Distance
N to Sandy Springs, GA93,85312.6 Mi (20.2 Km) 16.5 Mi (26.6 Km)
ENE to Athens, GA116,71460.8 Mi (97.8 Km) 72 Mi (115.9 Km)
SE to Macon, GA91,35176.5 Mi (123 Km) 83.8 Mi (134.9 Km)
SSW to Columbus, GA189,88595.5 Mi (153.8 Km) 107.2 Mi (172.5 Km)
ESE to Savannah, GA136,286222.8 Mi (358.5 Km) 248.3 Mi (399.7 Km)
Atlanta to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Atlanta to major cities in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama and Florida.

From Atlanta, GA Population Distance
W to Birmingham, AL212,237139.8 Mi (225 Km) 146.8 Mi (236.2 Km)
E to Columbia, SC129,272193.2 Mi (310.9 Km) 213.9 Mi (344.3 Km)
ENE to Charlotte, NC731,424214.5 Mi (345.2 Km) 244.9 Mi (394.2 Km)
SE to Jacksonville, FL821,784285.3 Mi (459.1 Km) 345.6 Mi (556.2 Km)
WNW to Memphis, TN646,889336.8 Mi (542 Km) 383.8 Mi (617.7 Km)