Distance from Arkhangelsk to Nearby Cities

The distance from Arkhangelsk to the nearest city Novodvinsk is 28.3 kilometers or 17.6 miles away. The nearest town Kholmogory is 94.3 kilometers or 58.6 miles away. 3 major cities are near Arkhangelsk; Mirnyy being the closest is 314.3 kilometers or 195.3 miles away.

Arkhangelsk Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Arkhangelsk Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 17.9 Km (11.1 Mi)

Arkhangelsk to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Arkhangelsk and nearby cities in Russia.

From Arkhangelsk Population Distance
SE to Novodvinsk42,90017.9 Km (11.1 Mi) 28.3 Km (17.6 Mi)
W to Severodvinsk194,29234 Km (21.1 Mi) 42.8 Km (26.6 Mi)

Arkhangelsk to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Arkhangelsk and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Russia.

From Arkhangelsk Population Distance
SE to Kholmogory4,41763.3 Km (39.3 Mi) 94.3 Km (58.6 Mi)
S to Plesetsk10,870204 Km (126.7 Mi) 307.2 Km (190.9 Mi)
W to Belomorsk12,165276.7 Km (172 Mi) 1044.8 Km (649.2 Mi)
W to Rabocheostrovsk2,900279.3 Km (173.5 Mi) 1091.2 Km (678 Mi)
W to Kem13,829286.6 Km (178.1 Mi) 1081.2 Km (671.8 Mi)
SSE to Shenkursk5,893295.9 Km (183.9 Mi) 413.7 Km (257 Mi)

Arkhangelsk to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Arkhangelsk to major cities in Arkhangelsk Oblast.

From Arkhangelsk Population Distance
S to Mirnyy28,000198.5 Km (123.3 Mi) 314.3 Km (195.3 Mi)
SE to Kotlas59,180479.5 Km (298 Mi) 601.4 Km (373.7 Mi)
SE to Koryazhma42,627490.5 Km (304.8 Mi) 634.3 Km (394.1 Mi)