Distance from Ardabil to Nearby Cities

The distance from Ardabil to the nearest city Astara is 273.8 kilometers or 170.1 miles away. The nearest town Namin is 25.4 kilometers or 15.8 miles away. The nearest major city Pārsābād is 200.6 kilometers or 124.6 miles away.

Ardabil is also 322.7 kilometers or 200.5 miles from Astara in Azerbaijan.

Ardabil Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Ardabil Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 21.9 Km (13.6 Mi)

Ardabil to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Ardabil and nearby cities in Iran.

From Ardabil Population Distance
ENE to Astara39,06550.9 Km (31.6 Mi) 273.8 Km (170.1 Mi)
SE to Talesh45,30573.8 Km (45.9 Mi) 201.8 Km (125.4 Mi)
SSE to Khalkhal51,02475.2 Km (46.7 Mi) 123.6 Km (76.8 Mi)

Ardabil to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Ardabil and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Iran.

From Ardabil Population Distance
NE to Namin?21.8 Km (13.6 Mi) 25.4 Km (15.8 Mi)
SW to Nir?37.9 Km (23.5 Mi) 43.5 Km (27 Mi)
WNW to Meshgin Shahr?58.4 Km (36.3 Mi) 95.8 Km (59.5 Mi)
S to Kivi?65.6 Km (40.7 Mi) 83.3 Km (51.8 Mi)
WSW to Sarāb?77.5 Km (48.1 Mi) 90 Km (55.9 Mi)

Ardabil to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Ardabil to major cities in Ardabil.

From Ardabil Population Distance
NNW to Pārsābād101,661153.9 Km (95.6 Mi) 200.6 Km (124.6 Mi)
Ardabil to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Ardabil to major cities in bordering Armenia and Azerbaijan.

From Ardabil Population Distance
ENE to Astara Azerbaijan15,19053.1 Km (33 Mi) 322.7 Km (200.5 Mi)
WNW to Kapan Armenia33,160195.5 Km (121.5 Mi) 381.6 Km (237.1 Mi)