Distance from Arad to Nearby Cities

The distance from Arad to the nearest city Timișoara is 56.2 kilometers or 34.9 miles away. The nearest town Vladimirescu 317405 is 9.1 kilometers or 5.6 miles away. 4 major cities are near Arad; Cluj-Napoca being the closest is 268.5 kilometers or 166.8 miles away.

Arad is also 73.8 kilometers or 45.9 miles from Gyula in Hungary.

Arad Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Arad Distances
Nearby Location(s): 15
Nearest Location: 6.9 Km (4.3 Mi)

Arad to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Arad and nearby cities in Romania.

From Arad Population Distance
S to Timișoara315,05345.8 Km (28.4 Mi) 56.2 Km (34.9 Mi)
SE to Lugoj43,24369.7 Km (43.3 Mi) 95.6 Km (59.4 Mi)
NNE to Salonta17,56175.5 Km (46.9 Mi) 79.3 Km (49.3 Mi)
SSE to Bocșa 32530016,34993.2 Km (57.9 Mi) 129.9 Km (80.7 Mi)

Arad to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Arad and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Romania.

From Arad Population Distance
E to Vladimirescu 31740510,4516.9 Km (4.3 Mi) 9.1 Km (5.6 Mi)
SE to Fântânele 3171205,5977.1 Km (4.4 Mi) 9.4 Km (5.8 Mi)
NE to Livada 3172052,8408.2 Km (5.1 Mi) 10.2 Km (6.3 Mi)
WSW to Zădăreni 3171302,0328.5 Km (5.3 Mi) 12.1 Km (7.5 Mi)
ESE to Mândruloc 3174081,10611.5 Km (7.1 Mi) 14.3 Km (8.9 Mi)

Arad to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Arad to major cities in Arad County.

From Arad Population Distance
ENE to Cluj-Napoca316,748186 Km (115.6 Mi) 268.5 Km (166.8 Mi)
SE to Craiova304,142282.6 Km (175.6 Mi) 374.9 Km (232.9 Mi)
ESE to Bucharest1,877,155421.4 Km (261.8 Mi) 577.8 Km (359.1 Mi)
ENE to Iași318,012491.3 Km (305.2 Mi) 668.3 Km (415.3 Mi)
Arad to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Arad to major cities in bordering Hungary and Serbia.

From Arad Population Distance
N to Gyula Hungary32,26953.5 Km (33.3 Mi) 73.8 Km (45.9 Mi)
WSW to Kikinda Serbia41,93576.1 Km (47.3 Mi) 85.5 Km (53.1 Mi)